IndigoSensor | Page 52 | INFJ Forum
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  • This is no small feat!
    << I haven't gotten a vibe from this user yet, but I still really like this. You're so good at this kinda stuff! Scientist/Artist is such a rare combo :D>>

    me either, but she talked about justice and making the world into a better place so thats why. Scient-art-ist combo, yeah ... no wonder I'm messed up :crazy::becky:
    Awww thanks Indy. Much appreciated. I sent you a postcard earlier. :)
    You were so hard to pick something for! I loved that music and it popped back into my mind today thinking of you. I'm very glad you liked it.
    That is very similar to what happened to me Indigo. They said I didn't know how to read but had high school level math.
    is it snowing where you are? you don't know what I would give to be in the cold right now :D
    Thank you for posting that song, I really needed to release right now. Though tears flow at least pain is being deleted.
    Indigo, I think someone owes me a beer or seven for being semi-mod for however long I'm being one. Okay, nobody owes me any beer, but I would like some anyway.


    i see. Sorry i asked at a bad time. I really do hope you begin to feel better.
    is it fine with you if i send you a PM? just curious about something, but don't feel like posting it here.
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