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  • I think my Ni/Fe is failing me, and I'm rather brain-fried atm, lol. What do I do that I should keep doing?? (totally serious; idk)
    You would be so surprised. You really would. That post is not all that it seems. In fact, one of my best friends is istj. but, i guess i couldnt' be more wrong.
    Well, I hope that you find it fills those missing pieces. I'd love to hear your perspective once you've read the book!
    Basically I was drawn to the perspective as a whole and I was particularly drawn to the mind-body-spirituality connection that seemed present in her perspective. Um, Sacred Contracts I think appealed to me most at that point because I was at a life transition point and it offered tools for identifying which direction to head. I did find it helpful in that process and I don't think the insights it offered led me astray. If you're comfortable sharing, I'm interested in hearing what is drawing you to the Anatomy of the Spirit book.
    Ooh, what's the book? Is it Sacred Contracts? I ended up with that book from that website and found it very interesting. There was a meet-up group here in my area with someone trained by Caroline Myss, but in the end I chickened out and didn't go. I got wrapped up into other life tasks and never finished my exploration of archetype, but now you've got me thinking on it again. :) Anyway, that book or another, I'd love to hear where your exploration has led you!

    Good on the drought for backing off and letting the fire season stay in it's space! I hope the weather continues to at least hold to expectation.
    Hi! It was nice to see your angelic image around here today. :) I'd forgotten about that archetype thread! Yeah, I think sometimes things just don't hit at a time when those likely to be receptive see it and then it get's lost in the pile of new thoughts. I'm glad it was interesting to you. How have you been? Are you still buried in snow or has spring sprung in your part of the world?
    Always a gentleman? ;)

    Yes, I try to be. I always try to stop and help someone broke down
    on the freeway.
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