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  • Good Morning to my friends here on the forum.

    I have been snowed in for 3 days and running on generator, so I have not been able to make regular contact.

    The sun is out, and it's a new day.

    I hope the electric company can make it to me today to get my power back on so I can do some dishes, and some house cleaning.

    I hope all of you are staying warm and cozy and dry.

    From snow country, I wish you all a wonderful week !

    Headache :)
    Fabulous! I hope you are able to keep lounging today. Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy yourself. :)
    Snow, huh? I understand we've got that coming our way tomorrow. They're saying 6-12 inches for us. It's going to be hard for me because it's been so springlike the last week. :( Today will be an outing to the library and a trip to the grocery store. What are you going to do with your fully excused play day?
    I hope you are having a happy Saturday! What's up in your world?

    *loved your contributions in the enlightening wrong answer. Every one caused an appreciative laugh from me. I don't know who you're telling your jokes to, but you clearly need to find the right company, because you're funny. :) A side, I regularly have to add the addendum to my humor of, "that was funny", just so people are clear that it is now time to laugh. I'm not sure why they don't get that. lol I'm refusing to admit that there may just not be anything funny going on except to my own humor receptors. :)
    It's funny you say that today. Just this afternoon I was driving home and thinking about some of the things you've said. I very much value the same in your expression! In a hurry or not, what you've said has meant a great deal to me. I hope we can keep connecting. :)
    Thank you for making me feel so "not alone" with my values. You are very thoughtful.
    Haha, probably not. I just haven't had much to say lately. I've kind of restricted myself from regular internet use.
    lol ive created about a thousand threads here, i dont keep track ;D but i found it anyway (the haiku game one at least) thanks for breaking me free from my boredom!
    No, but I am going to get it tomorrow night :)

    I can't wait to hear the commentary ^^.

    did you?
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