Recent content by Jana

  1. Jana

    How have others consistently described you?

    Complicated, nice, weird, inteligent... Actually, I think that most people see what they want to see, what is easier to see. Perphaps is that way with anybody. What someone see in us is usually partly reflection of them.
  2. Jana

    Ni values

    Ni value..good question. Maybe it depends on personal view as well as on some general characteristic. For me Ni value would be Meaning. Not in terms of truth, but in terms of purpouse of something. When my Ni connects different dots and I see that famous Big picture, I see meaning of something...
  3. Jana

    Where do i find infj girls to date?

    No, that means we are needy in very special way...
  4. Jana

    Where do i find infj girls to date?

    The real question is - do you really want to date INFJ girl??? We comewith really complex handbook:)
  5. Jana

    Belief Questions for Christians

    I belive that God has His own way. Everything what we do is more or less wandering in attempt to find His paths. I belive that He does not mind our wandering, but our efforts.
  6. Jana

    What does the fox say???

    21th century!
  7. Jana

    Shadow & Anima-Animus Projection

    In my too. In the beginning I thought it was only about my brother, but I realised it could be about him and animus. The person in my dreamy is usually very reliable, calm and protective. Someone who can take charge. Untill few years ago I was unconcious how much I neglected that strong part of...
  8. Jana

    Shadow & Anima-Animus Projection

    My animus often shows up as my brother in dreams.
  9. Jana

    Marilyn Monroe

    I don't know. But she is interesting to type. Somehow I would go for IXXP, but I don't have any special reason for that execpt "hunch".
  10. Jana

    Favorite action or adventure movie trilogies or sagas

    Star wars...without thinking twice... In another universe I am jedi knightesse...Wise, brave and hot...
  11. Jana

    Shadow & Anima-Animus Projection

    It is interessting topic. That shadow is dark, containing negative traits we don't accept in us, that is something I've known for long time. But, I was bewildred, with aha moment, when I learned that shadow can be built as well from positive things. Positive, but rejected in our concious mind...
  12. Jana

    Do you intimidate or "play" people, or use power dynamics techniques?

    Come on, we are all human...It could be temptation to see how things are played without trying to be a playmaker from time to time. Ni and Fe - oooo, they have dark side of Force.... But, I am proud to say that I never use it to do bad things on purpouse.
  13. Jana

    How to get over someone...again

    Yes. It always end at last...agony.
  14. Jana

    How to get over someone...again

    isabellajay I think TheDaringHatTrick put it nice:) I know, I still fight that I know it is complex question...
  15. Jana

    How to get over someone...again

    Hm, I experienced similar story. Somehow, from this point of view...well, people don't usually change their mind. So, repeat: Move on...move on...move on...:)