Shadow & Anima-Animus Projection


Regular Poster
INTP (Loser)
5w6 Sx/So/Sp
I have been doing a lot of research into shadow projection of late as I find shadow projection to be very interesting.

Jung himself said that in order to reach Individuation the self has to become one with the Shadow and in order to fully accept the shadow the self needs to understand that it is just as much the villain as it is the good guy.

For me my shadow projection is that of a twisted evil version of an INTJ. How did I come to this? Being an ENTP my functions work in the following order Ne Ti Fe Si the shadow of this is Ni Te Fi Se. A good example of this in Star Wars Anakin Skywalker as young boy showed strong signs of being an ENTP. He liked to build robots, was curious and jovial, he was clever and liked to argue a point. Once the darkness took him over he became the Dark version of an INTJ this was Anakin transforming into the Dark version of himself known a Darth Vader. Now put in this context it makes the shadow out to be this horrible evil twisted version of ones self. This is not the case. The shadow is usually brought out in a person by seeing all the parts in themselves the dislike the most. If a person can come to terms with the shadow the self and the Shadow can actually work together. In my journey I have come to terms with my shadow but it is not something you just do and is done it is a relationship that takes work and commitment to maintain and when you do have ever had a positive shadow drive you will understand just how useful this part of your self is. I have found that when I can work together with my shadow that my energy levels go through the roof being Ne dominate my mind goes into full swing Extroverting and Introverting simultaneously can be a thing extreme intensity but when I get into these modes I fell unstoppable. Some people call this getting into The Zone. I am able to switch this on much easier these days and as I go with my life I will even be able to do this even easier.

Here is a creepy video about the shadow but definitely gives a good idea of what I have described. I am curious as to hear other peoples stories of there experiences with there shadows. I will get around to doing a thread on my Aenima as this is a new experience I have only recently begun to experience very cool though and very different.
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I've very interested in this...but I'm not willing to watch a creepy video right before bed! I will be back tomorrow to check this out!
I think it's important in order to see yourself objectively (minus the dichotomy all people are prone to but don't see it. And most, never mature out of it. And I don't think it's in one fell swoop but over many experiences and such). I'm curious if you think there's a correlation between embracing your shadow and the concept of disintegration in enneagram? Both are opportunities of growth in actuality so long as the man behind the curtain desires such. Both are in effect experiences to jolt you towards integration into a whole as opposed to the developmental dichotomies we create which are apart of the natural process of individuation. Maybe. Idk. Just thinking out loud. :p
Here is another Video this on is on The SELF it continues on from the Video of the Shadow.

I have actually been in the place of the long haired guy in the video where I lost my sense of humor and kind of lost touch a bit. I actually came to the conclusion that I wasn't just a little pointless speck in the universe and that I was part of something bigger. I slowly pulled myself out of it but have never been entirely the same since. I do feel stronger for the ordeal though.

Here is a good one on Synchronicity

For me I actually came across everything from a strange series of events. It all started when I was a bit down one day this was I had hit that point I mentioned above where I lost touch with myself. For no real reason at all I needed to play a CD by tool I was drawn it and had this compelling desire to play the album. I got obsessed with the song 46 & 2 and then began to research the songs meanings. This was when I started learning about the Shadow which then later lead me to MBTI and Jung. If you've never heard the song I will attach a Link below. I still can't explain it to this day but sub-consciously my I have must know what the song was about and that I could help somehow. Strange hey?
Here is another Video this on is on The SELF it continues on from the Video of the Shadow.

I have actually been in the place of the long haired guy in the video where I lost my sense of humor and kind of lost touch a bit. I actually came to the conclusion that I wasn't just a little pointless speck in the universe and that I was part of something bigger. I slowly pulled myself out of it but have never been entirely the same since. I do feel stronger for the ordeal though.

Here is a good one on Synchronicity

For me I actually came across everything from a strange series of events. It all started when I was a bit down one day this was I had hit that point I mentioned above where I lost touch with myself. For no real reason at all I needed to play a CD by tool I was drawn it and had this compelling desire to play the album. I got obsessed with the song 46 & 2 and then began to research the songs meanings. This was when I started learning about the Shadow which then later lead me to MBTI and Jung. If you've never heard the song I will attach a Link below. I still can't explain it to this day but sub-consciously my I have must know what the song was about and that I could help somehow. Strange hey?

No stranger than any other sequence of events and coincidences I've experienced.
The universe works in mysterious ways. ;)

I'll check the vids out soon. Thank you! :)
For me I actually came across everything from a strange series of events. It all started when I was a bit down one day this was I had hit that point I mentioned above where I lost touch with myself. For no real reason at all I needed to play a CD by tool I was drawn it and had this compelling desire to play the album. I got obsessed with the song 46 & 2 and then began to research the songs meanings. This was when I started learning about the Shadow which then later lead me to MBTI and Jung. If you've never heard the song I will attach a Link below. I still can't explain it to this day but sub-consciously my I have must know what the song was about and that I could help somehow. Strange hey?

If you were an INFJ you would be used to this occuring quite often. lolz
You guys make me want to be a Psyker lol. I want to learn to melt peoples brains with the power of mind.
It is interessting topic.
That shadow is dark, containing negative traits we don't accept in us, that is something I've known for long time.
But, I was bewildred, with aha moment, when I learned that shadow can be built as well from positive things. Positive, but rejected in our concious mind. Appearantly, what we deny in us, makes sirene songs in others. Since my childhood I am strongly drawn to brave, strong, independent people who speaks their minds. To people who are not afraid to have totally different point of view from others. As a teenager I had nonsexually crush on Annie Lennox (still probably do, a little:)). Do you see scheme?:) All chahacterisitics that I had but pushed away (because it is easier, at first, to be easy going part of group), haunted me in others.
When I 've read about this type of shadow, it was - aha.
The good news, I have all this traits in me. The question is - when I will let them out from basement for real???

P.s. Talking about strong and independent....see my avatar:) Shadow play...
I have decided to merge the Anima-Animus thread I spoke about earlier into this same thread.

For me the Anima has started popping up for me in my dreams for about 6 months. She has been arriving more frequently lately and she seems to appear as a distressed figure. For me I think she represents the unemotional side of my mind. I think she may have manifested because my wife frequently accuses me of being heartless and unemotional. In order for me to get past this I will have to integrate the anima into my mind. I don't know how to accomplish this but I will work on it. I do feel that a big problem for me is that my wife suffers from dependent personality syndrome and depression these two problems are extremely hard to cope with and its really hard for me to be emotionally supportive when I don't even understand my own emotional state. Time will tell I guess. I will add more to this later as I'm in a rush and need to get to work.

Here are a few videos I found about the Anima and Animus both are really good.
Mine is a petite woman with long straight Black Hair and Amber Coloured eyes. Interesting about your brother. Is he a big influence in your life?
My animus often shows up as my brother in dreams.

How do you know?
Nearly everyone I love shows up in my dreams at one point or another. How would I know which character ?
How do you know?
Nearly everyone I love shows up in my dreams at one point or another. How would I know which character ?

In my too. In the beginning I thought it was only about my brother, but I realised it could be about him and animus.
The person in my dreamy is usually very reliable, calm and protective. Someone who can take charge. Untill few years ago I was unconcious how much I neglected that strong part of me. With realization started to show up dreams with my brother as protective figure.
My Anima usually comes across as defenceless and emotional.