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- INTP (Loser)
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- 5w6 Sx/So/Sp
I have been doing a lot of research into shadow projection of late as I find shadow projection to be very interesting.
Jung himself said that in order to reach Individuation the self has to become one with the Shadow and in order to fully accept the shadow the self needs to understand that it is just as much the villain as it is the good guy.
For me my shadow projection is that of a twisted evil version of an INTJ. How did I come to this? Being an ENTP my functions work in the following order Ne Ti Fe Si the shadow of this is Ni Te Fi Se. A good example of this in Star Wars Anakin Skywalker as young boy showed strong signs of being an ENTP. He liked to build robots, was curious and jovial, he was clever and liked to argue a point. Once the darkness took him over he became the Dark version of an INTJ this was Anakin transforming into the Dark version of himself known a Darth Vader. Now put in this context it makes the shadow out to be this horrible evil twisted version of ones self. This is not the case. The shadow is usually brought out in a person by seeing all the parts in themselves the dislike the most. If a person can come to terms with the shadow the self and the Shadow can actually work together. In my journey I have come to terms with my shadow but it is not something you just do and is done it is a relationship that takes work and commitment to maintain and when you do have ever had a positive shadow drive you will understand just how useful this part of your self is. I have found that when I can work together with my shadow that my energy levels go through the roof being Ne dominate my mind goes into full swing Extroverting and Introverting simultaneously can be a thing extreme intensity but when I get into these modes I fell unstoppable. Some people call this getting into The Zone. I am able to switch this on much easier these days and as I go with my life I will even be able to do this even easier.
Here is a creepy video about the shadow but definitely gives a good idea of what I have described. I am curious as to hear other peoples stories of there experiences with there shadows. I will get around to doing a thread on my Aenima as this is a new experience I have only recently begun to experience very cool though and very different.
Jung himself said that in order to reach Individuation the self has to become one with the Shadow and in order to fully accept the shadow the self needs to understand that it is just as much the villain as it is the good guy.
For me my shadow projection is that of a twisted evil version of an INTJ. How did I come to this? Being an ENTP my functions work in the following order Ne Ti Fe Si the shadow of this is Ni Te Fi Se. A good example of this in Star Wars Anakin Skywalker as young boy showed strong signs of being an ENTP. He liked to build robots, was curious and jovial, he was clever and liked to argue a point. Once the darkness took him over he became the Dark version of an INTJ this was Anakin transforming into the Dark version of himself known a Darth Vader. Now put in this context it makes the shadow out to be this horrible evil twisted version of ones self. This is not the case. The shadow is usually brought out in a person by seeing all the parts in themselves the dislike the most. If a person can come to terms with the shadow the self and the Shadow can actually work together. In my journey I have come to terms with my shadow but it is not something you just do and is done it is a relationship that takes work and commitment to maintain and when you do have ever had a positive shadow drive you will understand just how useful this part of your self is. I have found that when I can work together with my shadow that my energy levels go through the roof being Ne dominate my mind goes into full swing Extroverting and Introverting simultaneously can be a thing extreme intensity but when I get into these modes I fell unstoppable. Some people call this getting into The Zone. I am able to switch this on much easier these days and as I go with my life I will even be able to do this even easier.
Here is a creepy video about the shadow but definitely gives a good idea of what I have described. I am curious as to hear other peoples stories of there experiences with there shadows. I will get around to doing a thread on my Aenima as this is a new experience I have only recently begun to experience very cool though and very different.
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