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  • This reminds me VERY much of nightmares that I used to have about Tornadoes. IRL I was TERRIFIED of them (even though I lived in an area where we didn't have them) and I would run into a closet and cry any time I saw dark clouds. It was like this for a few years. Long story short, I would experience torndadoes in dreams until at some point one actually caught me and I was thrown up in the air and remember crashing to the ground after it was over. After that I wasn't afraid anymore. There is a lot more detail to it obviously and this happened over the span of many, many years. Perhaps it was something similar for you with the stairs.
    Is it that the dreams are recurring as in they're always the same, or is it the same theme or feeling that is continuously expressed through different dreams? I have had the same experience. I have various things that pop up in my dreams over and over and some have continued to do so for over 10 years.
    From what I remember, I have always been able to recall my dreams like this. I like to write them out because it's good practice and the more I do it, the more I can remember my dreams. Some of them slip away and I only have faint impressions of how I felt in the dream or even an overall idea of what happened. But if I focus on the emotion of the dream I can start recalling details. Sometimes in my dreams I will have memories of other dreams and they will be incorporated. I can also lucid dream but I am not very good at that yet. It mostly comes when I know my mind is trying to create a nightmare or highly stressful situation and if I don't want to experience it I can change the course of action.
    I can remember everything from my dreams. I could have gone into more detail- describing the precise details of the house, the car, the woman's clothes, her driveway and yard, her car, the colour of the bedroom I was in, the walls, the bed, etc. I could also describe my male physical appearance, etc. You can comment on anything in my blogs.
    yeah, don't worry, i understood what you meant, sorry :P
    it's just that the term "butterscotch raspberry with sprinkles coffee" doesn't even register
    it might just be that i'm tired, but i can't even translate that first sentence into something that can be meaningfully reflected on. huh.
    would totally try it if i could though
    haha word of the day with my pals is cunt. there are 3 rules to it. You have to use it Where ever, however, and whenever.
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