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  • So, what did you want to get out of this forum when you joined? Is it mostly entertaining, enlightening, or simply interesting to learn other perspectives? I think I came for the entertainment, but I find myself making threads for advice every now and then. It seems like there could be something more for me here after all.
    crazy infjs :) i kind of know the being home alone feeling though. i used to relish when i knew my family would be out so i could walk around the house commando and sing at the top of my lungs.
    yar, i do not claim the DemonCait. she is o_q's psychologically damaged ball of fluff. i ruv her though when she's asleep. =p
    haha what sorts of things do you guys do in the evening (besides you making him sandwiches? XD) ? i sometimes fantasize about having a married life like that in the future, but i can see it getting boring soon
    You're more than welcome to post in my blog. I just did not understand where the conversation was leading. I know you're correct. I was never arguing that you were wrong. I was simply trying to defend/express my feelings/opinions regarding the technical differences between the two forms. Since I don't place much emphasis on that technical aspect, I don't really distinguish between the two and hence downplay the actual differences. If that struck a pet peeve of yours, I apologize. It was not my intention to instigate a debate/argument.
    That sounds really pretty and creative! I would love to see pictures.

    Do you believe in the power within them?
    I have always been drawn to purple as well, and Indigo.

    That must have been quite a sight! I always have to be patient when I am picking out a stone for myself. It has to "feel" right with me. I actually react terribly to certain types of stones, especiallt aventurine.
    They are lovely and you are lucky!

    Apparently, there is a place in north central VA that has natural quartz as well. I should go check it out.

    What draws you to the stones?
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