Jill Hives
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  • Here you go! Pet to your hearts contents. :D

    Great! We’re trying to help those that have been so lost on their type for YEARS even. It doesn’t have to be this way if people learn and can promote good articles!

    Glad we could help.
    You might like my last youtube link in What are you listening:)
    Eurythmics before Eurythmics phase:)
    actually i now realised the way i described it in my story was wrong, but that's not the point. anyway my aunt gave them to me. she preserved them in gin. like as a way of pickling. they were whole fruits in a jar and the skins and i suppose the whole flesh really had gone translucent. i don't know how she did it though. but they tasted very good.
    it was unintentional. but you won't catch me admitting my interest in cum publically. through my blog i mean.
    So somewhere around 6 or 7 years ago? I can't remember what year I saw them but I figure it was somewhere in that area.

    How did Tricky fare at your concert? He has also been one of my favs I was shocked when I saw him/them opening for tool.
    The live performance I went to had those head bobbing guys hanging from ropes for what seemed like hours. It was crazy! They had Tricky open for them and he got booed off the stage, I couldn't believe it.

    Their performances are crazy. Maynard was never on stage, it was always a reflection of his silhouette in the concert I attended.
    I agree I like a wide variety myself. I love a lot of new stuff too as well as all the old. I'm kind of partial to 80's music though. :)
    It's so cool that you have the Litany Against Fear in your signature. I <3 Dune. I really really need to re-read it. It's been years.
    Thanks for the rep :)
    And yeah, that's pretty much what I said when I heard it a couple weeks ago. Good memories.
    I used to suffer from that all the time. It would be 4 or 5 in the morning before I got to sleep most nights. Sometimes it would get to 7 or 8 and I would give up and get out of bed. I'm fine now though. I don't drink caffeine after 2pm, NEVER look at my clock after getting in bed and go to bed at 11/11:30 every night. It worked for me maybe it could for you.
    I'm glad you have a good sense of humour btw. I nearly didn't post that as I wasn't sure if you would take it as a joke or not ;p
    yep! i can't be bothered with her albums since scarlet's walk though. i think they're crap.
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