Recent content by Jill Hives

  1. Jill Hives

    Actual Me

    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic): Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information. Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive): Think in terms of problems and quick solutions. Right-Brain Abstract...
  2. Jill Hives

    Favourite Ninja Turtle

    Michelangelo, definitely. He was the sweetest of them all, and he didn't take himself too seriously. He's the one I would most want to hang out with if I had the option.
  3. Jill Hives

    Last film you watched, Part 2

    Dude, they made the turtles aliens. I so don't want to see that movie. I probably will watch it eventually anyway. UGGGHH. I last watched Hook. :[
  4. Jill Hives

    What type of human are you? Test

    Goody two shoes...yeah right...
  5. Jill Hives

    What does your birth date mean?

    I got exactly this. It is actually pretty accurate, I get myself into trouble a lot for it. I mean well I promise...
  6. Jill Hives

    Which Positive Quality Are You?

  7. Jill Hives

    Which foreign guy should you date?

    I also apparently need an italian.
  8. Jill Hives

    a fight between friends

    All of you have very good points. I've already sent her a long apology about all of this. I do feel really horrible that I blew up at her in that way. It's a huge fault of mine, I don't handle stress well at all. I get agitated and whoever is in the way at the time ends up burned. It's just not...
  9. Jill Hives

    a fight between friends

    Meer, her experience with it is extremely severe. She has shaved her head because of it and wears wigs. She has in the past pulled out all of her eyelashes as well. But, I don't think of her as my friend suffering from trichotillomania. I think of her just as she is. As a human, as my friend...
  10. Jill Hives

    a fight between friends

    I do think it is unfair of her to expect me to tip toe around her. But I don't think she expects that. I think that when I do accidentally hurt her feelings though, she just wants me to apologize so that she can feel better and move on. I could get over myself enough to do that and then things...
  11. Jill Hives

    a fight between friends

    The more I think about this, the more I think I really was the one being the bigger asshole here. She caught me in a very bad mood at a very bad time and I blew up even more than I usually would have. Yes, it is annoying, I still believe all of what I said is mostly true. But...regardless of...
  12. Jill Hives

    a fight between friends

    Okay, so. Here is some backstory to this situation. The friend in question and I have been friends since middle school. This friend of mine has an obsessive compulsive hair pulling disorder, and she has dealt with it since she was very young. I want to share this, because I would honestly...
  13. Jill Hives

    Were you ever increadibly sexually attracted to someone you hated?

    Hated? No. Pissed off as fuck at? Oh, yes. But those are two entirely different things...
  14. Jill Hives

    How Bitchy Are You?

    You are 35% Bitchy, so you are a Balanced Bitch. Alright!!! Wait...should I be excited about this?