What would cause a 50 year old woman to be obsessed with sex?


Community Member
I have a friend who is 50 and has been divorced for five years. She has two teenage sons. She is on Facebook a lot and every other day she posts sexual stuff or will like something another poster has posted that contains sexual material, sex studies or sexual humor. This woman is an academic and posts stuff about dirty toilets and sex....on her FB page! In the past, some people were disgusted and have removed her as a FB friend.

Question: what would cause a female academic at 50 to be so obsessed with sexual stuff? Is it that she isn't getting any (she has an on/off bf, or so she says) or is it just immaturity? Maybe a need for attention from her male friends? I mean, if you have a healthy sex life and are otherwise happy with the attention you are getting, why post stuff like this every other day?
I would say it's the same cause for any man, or woman, at any age.

Just because she post dirty jokes or make sexual references, doesn't mean she's obsessed- perhaps she just has an off-colour side to humour. Also, posting research, such as sex studies, doesn't mean you have a bad view of sex- I actually think it's a healthy view. Sex isn't bad, nor is talking about it bad.

I guess we would need more examples of what she's posting. Right now it seems like she's not doing anything wrong...and I would ask you why you feel bothered by it? Does seeing an older liberated female enjoy sex bother you?
Hi say what. She is not doing anything wrong, but the things she posts are a bit cras for an academic female of her age. It may possibly be one of the reasons most of her colleagues don't respect her.

What does she post? Her obsession seems to revolve mostly around human asses (which gives a hint of what she likes to do in bed). I mean, this sort of thing has been going on for a few years now and is not new. And I am not kidding when I say that she posts something sexual every other day.

Of course you'll ask me why do I care. I don't. I am just wondering what sort of psychological mechanism would lead a 50 year old woman in a respectable job to post such things. How would you feel if your older female colleagues posted a photo of a church shaped like a penis, for example (she did post that six months ago)? And I'm not even religious, but I mean, if these are the things you are going to post over and over, what would it say about you?
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I think it's ridiculous that a woman, who is educated and hard working, would be frowned upon for what she does in her personal life. She's not doing anything wrong, in fact, I would probably post a picture of a church steeple looking like a penis! I posted a picture of a tree that looked like it had boobs! 50 or not, some people just have dirty humour. If she's doing it in her personal life, why should it matter? It's the same as me posting a picture of a hot man with no shirt and making a dirty joke! I don't do that in my professional life, but in my personal life, I see nothing wrong with it. And I don't see why it would make people respect her less.

Humour is subjective, but if it's done in an appropriate environment (i.e., outside of work), I don't see anything wrong with it, or why it would indicate that she has a problem. People over the age of 40 have sex, and like sex. The desire for sex doesn't change, if anything, it intensifies for women during menopause!

Maybe it's because I don't find the examples offensive, and maybe she posts worse stuff- but personally, I would friend her and like her photos (or so it sounds like that's what I would do)

btw- how's the research coming on seducing your friends boyfriends?
I think that a lot of women around that age have their own sexual needs and desires. It doesn't matter their status or career. Humans are sexual beings. What I would call into question is bringing a lot of that material into the public eye and openly sharing it, especially if you are in a position that requires to "keep up appearances."

I think some examples of people being punished for stuff is extreme (like the example above) and it's ridiculous. But I do think that your private life should stay private, and not be on facebook.
the things she posts are a bit crass for an academic female of her age. It may possibly be one of the reasons most of her colleagues don't respect her.

Fuck society.
Fuck their brainwashed simple-minded associations and prejudice.
Fuck people's societal expectations
Fuck roles.
Fuck INTPs. Wait what?
What I would call into question is bringing a lot of that material into the public eye and openly sharing it, especially if you are in a position that requires to "keep up appearances."
I think some examples of people being punished for stuff is extreme (like the example above) and it's ridiculous. But I do think that your private life should stay private, and not be on facebook.

Well, if you are in a position of power or in the public eye, your public image in important, no? I am not saying that people should be prudes, but you would expect posts such as the ones I mentioned above from a teenager or at least someone who is immature.

You know how old Hollywood stars cultivated a sense of mystery and were well-behaved in public? There was a reason for that. The studios would lose money if their stars didn't keep up appearances or were involve din scandals. That's why some of them are icons today.....not because they were not scandalous, but because they kept up appearances and the studios cleaned up their mess. It just comes to show you how important public image is and how we take it for granted in this day and age.
Hi say what. She is not doing anything wrong, but the things she posts are a bit cras for an academic female of her age. It may possibly be one of the reasons most of her colleagues don't respect her.

What does she post? Her obsession seems to revolve mostly around human asses (which gives a hint of what she likes to do in bed). I mean, this sort of thing has been going on for a few years now and is not new. And I am not kidding when I say that she posts something sexual every other day.

Of course you'll ask me why do I care. I don't. I am just wondering what sort of psychological mechanism would lead a 50 year old woman in a respectable job to post such things. How would you feel if your older female colleagues posted a photo of a church shaped like a penis, for example (she did post that six months ago)? And I'm not even religious, but I mean, if these are the things you are going to post over and over, what would it say about you?

If there is a social media policy at her workplace that specifically prohibits this type of off duty conduct, then I can see it being a problem. But if that is not the case, then her colleagues are a bunch of assholes for choosing not to respect her over fb posts. All they need to do (as you said some have) is unfriend her. If the posts are not affecting her work then I don't see the issue. If anything, I would enjoy the fact that she has a sense of humor and give her a thumbs up.

And with the information you provided here, it doesn't seem like she is obsessed with sex at all, not that it should even matter. She obviously doesn't give a shit about what other people think of her or her posts and I think thats great.

You say that you don't care, but...you obviously do. You agree with these people that have no respect for her. So if you are her friend, have you spoken to her about your concerns?
The same reason why a 12 year old girl would be obsessed with sex, the only difference being that one is more vocal about it.

I have a better question for you: why do people frown on women talking about sexual things and seemingly being obsessed with sex however if it were a man then that'd be 'normal?' More women should be talking about sex; it is disgusting to me that they don't. You know what she's having as opposed to women who refuse to talk about sex? She's having GOOD sex.
The same reason why a 12 year old girl would be obsessed with sex, the only difference being that one is more vocal about it.

I have a better question for you: why do people frown on women talking about sexual things and seemingly being obsessed with sex however if it were a man then that'd be 'normal?' More women should be talking about sex; it is disgusting to me that they don't. You know what she's having as opposed to women who refuse to talk about sex? She's having GOOD sex.
She probably found some good dick.
Probably hormones, or reframed, just a desire to have more sex than they're currently having.
i bet one of her exes hijacked the account and no one has the balls to talk to her about it lol… she probably has no idea
The same reason why a 12 year old girl would be obsessed with sex, the only difference being that one is more vocal about it.

I have a better question for you: why do people frown on women talking about sexual things and seemingly being obsessed with sex however if it were a man then that'd be 'normal?' More women should be talking about sex; it is disgusting to me that they don't. You know what she's having as opposed to women who refuse to talk about sex? She's having GOOD sex.

Oh, I agree. It's not a gender issue though. I would feel the same way if a 50 year old man was posting such things. But I disagree that she is necessarily having good sex...
I'm just wondering why her age has anything to do with it. Would you be ok if she was doing that and she was 30? What's the cutoff age for posting what you consider inappropriate material? My mom used to love dirty jokes up until the day she died when she was 60.
I think people have to realize right or wrong that people will take offense at what they think they can take offense at. Add group mentality to it and being a thinking human being, posting things for the public to see that are considered taboo, sexual in nature etc where you are in a public arena shows some amount of idiocy.
I think people have to realize right or wrong that people will take offense at what they think they can take offense at. Add group mentality to it and being a thinking human being, posting things for the public to see that are considered taboo, sexual in nature etc where you are in a public arena shows some amount of idiocy.

That wasnt worded well but I just got up and typed it on my phone so oh well.