Jungian Trip
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  • In your opinion, what would you type GZA as? Based on interviews for example.

    + I was thinking at first he could be Ti-dom, but then I thought about it some more and I think he's actually a Te user. Possibly NTJ?
    hey hey. I take it you're a bit of a wu fan yeah? (you repped me for the M.E.T.H.O.D man video a while back) I'm gonna try and type them all, so just letting you know in case you wanted to know what I come up with, or offer input or whatever.
    I appreciate you taking the time to read up about him ^_^ I should also note that I am not really anti Obama, but I've been a Ron Paul supporter for quite some time.
    Uhh, I posted a link to his political position info, but it's blacked out so hopefully you see it in my last comment lol.
    I heard it on the radio a while ago but forgot about it until I saw your post. Great stuff.
    I am a member on INTJ and sometimes I seek refuge there when I am on break from here. It has a reputation for coldness, so I like to go warm there up a bit every once in a while. I even tried ENFPf....yeah that ddn't work lol.

    I initially tested as INFJ, and still that is the result I most often recieve.
    I have also tested as INTP/INTJ. I have almost equal fe/fi and ni/ne, so that complicates things a bit. My Si is also higher than most INFJs'so some think I am ISFJ, but I know that I'm not one of those lol. I would say my swing goes between INFJ/INFP
    I love it here : )

    This is the first forum of any kind that I have found myself logging into multiple times a day lol. I have joined other mbti forums, but none of them have compared to this one.

    So what is your "variable" mbti because I feel like mine is the same way?
    I do! He's the epitome of awesome. He's actually the second pug I've had in my lifetime, we had a female one named Nipper when I was little. :)
    No problem, I will have to check those bands out. I also really like Duster and there is this band called Vagelium Agelum, I know I spelled that wrong I'll have to check my Ipod for the right one! I bet you would like those two.
    :) Beatles is probably my favorite, seems like I'm always finding new songs I've never heard from them. I have a Mogwai tee and its my favorite! I have been listening to a lot of Gorillaz lately which I've never been into them before. Also The Black Keys, MGMT, and Modest Mouse. How about you I'd love to know what else you got going on?!!
    Yeah I thought that was pretty funny. If you do just vampire over and over again you get Bram Stoker. For some reason werewolf repeated by itself gets you J.K. Rowling.
    That does look interesting. I wonder if I can find it at my local bookstore. I'll definitely check it out if I can find it. (:
    That sounds very interesting!

    Why did you choose that path? What are you doing now?

    I hope all my questions are not too intrusive, I like listening about experiences of people who pursued humanities, maybe because I chose completely different path.
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