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  • ... or the first impression from the conversation started was horrific for the receiver, making you wan't to step away from me.

    Sooo much possibilities ...
    Oh come on that is for the creation of an atmosphere for further conversation buildup, you don't make me nervous ...

    ... aaaand ... good job from me, conversation is established. How are you?
    "While waving and smiling nervously with sweat pouring out of sheer anxiety I say to you"

    I loved that picture and still have it saved on my comp :P

    we both have good taste (;
    "♫ can you take me hiiiigheer ♫"

    Thank you! I have not read many intj profiles that indicate open mindedness one way or another. I suppose there are certain things I have thought about and come to final conclusions about where I am inflexible in terms of how I or others should think about them but most things I remain open to.

    In any case thanks I consider that a compliment.
    of course im right. please dont try doubting me again, because it wont work. youre much better off doing your nails, or giving yourself a pedicure. or having something delicious to eat. or getting a good exercise session. than doubting me.
    I dont know. I test as intj the vast majority of the time. I dont know enough about the different types to know how a Intj would differ from an intp. Reading the profiles for intjs though seem to be an acurate description of my personality from my perspective. Insert shrug here.
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