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  • I so happen to love the song.... ;P Kelly is fun to sing with (although I usually hum).
    Me too, m'dear! I love harmonizing at church or with folks on the radio. But don't get me on that stage by myself because I'll sound like a warbling cat. :/
    I couldn't get back into my account :/ And sending the emails didn't work, so friend Eloq. :) I wanted to have a monocle but they wouldn't let me.
    I would love to come visit you. :)
    I would if I had money. But I am 990 dollars in debt so unfortunately it will be a while. :p
    Last night I had a dream where I came to visit you. We went shopping and then had drinks :) Then I flew back to NZ and went wedding ring shopping with M. Strange.

    Well he started to alter his opinion
    slightly once I started bringing up
    functions. He basically thinks I'm a
    P type no matter what because of my
    eyes. There was no reason given to
    me for any of the other letters. I
    think he was just making it up.

    He also claimed me as an INFP
    after I denied his claims of ESFP.

    I am not Fi dom.
    It was. :D
    I also wanted to go to Soundwave festival in Australia but I can't afford it and it's during uni. Sadface. :(
    Wikipedia says:
    The Big Day Out (BDO) is an annual music festival held in several cities in Australia and New Zealand in late January. It started in Sydney in 1992, spread to Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth by 1993, with the Gold Coast and Auckland joining in 1994. As of 2003, it has featured seven or eight stages (depending on the venue) accommodating popular contemporary rock music, electronic music, mainstream international acts and local acts.
    It was awesome, I saw Tool, Rammstein, Crystal Castles and heaps more. :D

    I'm glad that you're better hun. :)
    It has been! I was away for a couple days since I went to the Big Day Out. :) I've been good, the Big Day Out was crazily awesome. 10 hour bus rides, not so much, but it was worth it.

    How are you, love? :)
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