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  • I meant to ask you - why did the picture of the girl and the horse bring a tear to your eye? Oh...and thank you for the offer of a shoulder. I really appreciate it.
    A video would be really cool. I'm working on an exercise for my students about 'difference' cause it's a huge issue for kids. I think I'm going to use a lot of the responses from the thread as examples of all the different perspectives about difference! I think a lot of people could write volumes about the topic. I'm mulling over my own thoughts about it too, which seem to be changing as I read through the responses. That is the #1 thing I get from this forum - it broadens my perspective. Have a great day Serenity. Oh I almost forgot, I'm thinking about those colors you said you keep pulling for yourself, coral and scarlet. I've been digging through my books looking for my color book. When I find the book, I'll let you know about those colors :becky:
    I have been taking a little mental trip. Meditated for the first time in a while. There's a lot to think about... I look forward to talking more with you guys soon.
    Good luck later today! :3 Your lullabies helped motivate me for rest, and other stuffs hehe.
    It is an incredible vista....I'll grant you that. She appears to have profound reverence for all that is around here. I know I would be in awe if I were there....and I'd never want to leave. Thank you. :hug:
    I've always been more a dog guy, so I have to go with puppies - but I do love them both. I saw the cutest black lab puppy today :smile:
    I never had a doubt ; )

    Sounds nice, me... this morning was a little hectic, but overall it was a pretty good day. Glad I've got a bit of volunteer work going again - puppies and kittens always make me feel good : )
    Because I have always been fascinated with helping others, I guess, and law seems like the way to do it that I would feel best about :) .. Is it weird for an INFJ to study law? :) .. What do you study/work as? :)
    Thank you so much! I admire your honesty too, and your warmth! I can feel it right through my screen ;)
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