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  • not too bad thanks for asking. i still really appreciate you turning me on to reiki and i'm looking forward to my class. i live in a very rural area, there isn't much offered here, between that and my schedule it looks like i'll have to wait until november to take my first class. that's okay though. i'm learning bits and pieces here and there. i grew up with some of this stuff, but never really had an in depth learning experience with it, so i'm excited about that. sending happiness energy :becky:
    I really shouldn't post on anything in that Magic/Mysticism forum. It always ends badly.

    Read up on enneagram 3w4, I think it would make sense for me. Particularly about why I don't like this forum most of the time. I can't find a good description though on enneagrams save that one site.
    Doing okay, had some weird dreams and got a bit of grocery shopping done - that's been about it.

    I officially award Muir the most off-topic and rambling poster of the year award, for his brillantly bizarre work in "Jesus is Pleated."
    It is definitely a freeing feeling! In fact I think it made me want to laugh because it made me feel a sudden jolt of overwhelming joy. I try to remember the moments I've felt this feeling when I get really down about things. Everything in its right place.
    =) thank you for that pic
    also, I would love lullabies from you!
    and i will explain what happened at the meditation thing sometime soon.
    You're welcome. I smiled all over again when I gazed at that mandala. I think I should save it for myself as well. There is something....calming? about it. Are you feeling better? I do hope so. :hug: I'm about to go work out for 30 minutes. I'll read it when I'm finished. I've got to take advantage of my momentum...or else... HAH!
    I'm trying to figure out what exactly it is I want to say to you without going too deep.
    I'll just give you a little background. I grew up in VA. I've been sheltered my whole life growing up. It's a shame, because I was told I have a real pitchers arm, but I never did sports to see how well I could be. What changed everything for me was my 10th grade english teacher. He encouraged me. He knew I seemed a little different, but he said my writing is a special gift. So, as stupid as I felt when writing, I just gave it my all. In some ways my writing is strange, but I did start to see a great improvement in my ability. It was a great confidence booster for me, but I know I still feel 'off.' I have insecurity problems. I live at my sister's house in FL now. It was really hard for me to hear, but she was blunt and told me how it was "your selfish.. whether you see it or not, you are." I haven't been helping out around the house, or I forget to do simple things. It's a lazy thing in me. I'm trying to change that in me though. Living back in VA, I grew up believing lazy was a okay thing. I now realize it's made me selfish. It's a very hard pill to swallow. I just got to try my best to be considerate, and remind myself to do certain things that usually come natural for people.
    Yeah.. :D
    So, what made you post a pic of that anyway?
    Actually wait. I thought about it a sec more. It says positive life at the bottom. I guess you know I've been feeling depressed then huh?
    It's hard to explain. I guess I just get down on myself, because I don't know how much my learning disabilities effect me or if it's just in my head.
    I'm not really sure I should be going into detail, so that's all I'll say for now
    My mind seems to be doing pretty well : )

    Which is a bit surprising... missing workouts usually makes me feel pretty down.

    Doing well so far though, thanks for asking. How have you been?
    Hi Serenity

    Thanks for the like on my post, its much appreciated

    I hope you're keeping well, all the best

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