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  • Wait... what makes sense? Picture of guitar maybe?

    Thank you, I do what I can.

    I've been in many similar situations throughout my life, and I know that sometimes a few words can make all the difference. It seems you know that already though :w:
    ohhhhh. blech there's already other infj forum members there. noooooooty.

    oh i see you r thar too

    Ahh, hopefully you'll get to catch up on the rest of your sleep sooner or later :) I am alright. I had to head out around noon today, so I got in a few hours... and caffiene helped with the rest heh. I hope you have an excellent evening. :) Talk soon.
    =) Hi, sorry, I think my computer restarted last night. That was really fun :3 we should do it again!! How are you feeling now? Sleepy?
    Thanks for thinking of me. It's pretty, for as long as most art is pretty to me. That being a split second. I then see the errors. Her left hand position is terrible...collapsed against the violin. Her bow is over the finger board which give a very poor sound. I think this is why I prefer art that is only colors and textures. Then even if there's an imperfection in the texture, it is still a texture. (I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else...but that's how I view most art.)
    I'm good! Work today was fantastic. I'm pretty tired this evening, just gonna chill with a friend and a dvd. Tell me...what is chakra balancing?
    Thank you, honey-bunny. Might just take you up on your offer. Love spending quality girly-time with you :)
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