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  • LOL.... I probably would have died laughing with her, oh myyyy...!

    I just realized someone edited my blog title. Wth man. You know how hard it was to find that special uppercase B in it
    I wish you the best of times,
    whatever fun you do (alcohol
    isn't my thing either).

    That explanation certainly sounds interesting;
    how did you discover it, if I may?
    (I am reminded of an ancient
    Chinese martial art called
    "Dim-mak". It uses a
    fire-earth-water-air circulation/
    the nervous system for
    healing & fighting,
    if memory serves.)

    Anyway, thank you for all of your assistance!
    2nd edit because I apparently don't know how to read late at night: neurosurgeon, according to wiki's page on neuroscience.
    I'm wary of psychiatry, it seems hooked on a hyper-diagnosis frenzy. I'm primarily interested in how our neural circuitry is changed by afflictions, mental and physical, and how to repair/reroute it. My fixation on insanity simply comes from having a schizophrenic uncle - I want to understand, neurologically, what actually happened to his brain. Beyond these two provisions, I'm not sure what I want to do in the medical field outside of "help people recover". Tbh, I don't know what all is involved with neurology outside knowing which squishy grey bits do what. Rather embarrassing, really. (Edit: just wiki'd "Neurology" and behavioral neurology sounds absolutely fascinating and exactly what I was thinking about.)

    Woo! Do you have anything planned
    for your 21st? Funzies ar
    rekwyrd wurks!
    You're going into pediatrics, right?
    Those children will be blessed
    indeed with you there.
    I am ignorant of how it's done,
    but Reiki seems like a more
    organic approach to
    recovery than meds;
    Awesome, thank you ^.^

    Hmm, I like that idea. Ideally, I will study neurology in medical school to attack issues related to mental disorders (particularly these, particularly insanities) and nervous disabilities; this is a blend of both fields, imo. (Sorry if I ask you multiple questions of the same nature; you are the only person I know of to ask pointed questions.)

    How have you been?

    I read your Reiki decision in your blog -
    good for you! It definitely seems
    more fitting for you.
    Namaste Serenity,

    I have a quick, broad college question. Will a neuroscience class count towards a biology degree or is it strictly psychological? I have been tossing between bio and psych, and finally settled mentally on bio...after signing up for two psych classes.

    On a related note, your post about the insula's position in reference to frontal lobe and ears. After reading a little on Wiki about it, closer, and thereby faster, circuits effecting ('e' is intentional) memories and sensations makes perfect sense. Did I understand you properly?
    My phone doesn't work either! The mic is broken, I'm at my apartment right now, how about when u call I'll just head to public library
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