I'm wary of psychiatry, it seems hooked on a hyper-diagnosis frenzy. I'm primarily interested in how our neural circuitry is changed by afflictions, mental and physical, and how to repair/reroute it. My fixation on insanity simply comes from having a schizophrenic uncle - I want to understand, neurologically, what actually happened to his brain. Beyond these two provisions, I'm not sure what I want to do in the medical field outside of "help people recover". Tbh, I don't know what all is involved with neurology outside knowing which squishy grey bits do what. Rather embarrassing, really. (Edit: just wiki'd "Neurology" and behavioral neurology sounds absolutely fascinating and exactly what I was thinking about.)
Woo! Do you have anything planned
for your 21st? Funzies ar
rekwyrd wurks!
You're going into pediatrics, right?
Those children will be blessed
indeed with you there.
I am ignorant of how it's done,
but Reiki seems like a more
organic approach to
recovery than meds;