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  • Thank you for the gift this morning. How/where do you find the gift market?
    Yay....for breathing. :kiss:

    I get one in my email every day from the Daily OM.
    " Taurus Daily Horoscope March 6, 2012 You may feel troubled or uneasy today, and you could find yourself reacting impatiently to people
    I'm sorry your absence from the internet didn't have the effect on you like you had hoped. If it's any consolation I've been stymied at expressing myself for the last several days. I am trying to type something up right now and I keep distracting myself. LOL Also - Taurus horoscopes have been saying we're prone to emotional swings for the last week or so. I'm not going to suggest that you do not worry. But I will tell you to breathe. In fact - I'm taking a deep breath as I type these words. :)
    Your college clinic was what I was thinking of as well. I'm glad you talked with Arby about it. :hug: Take care of you dear.
    Our student health center has a women's center (full gyno on staff). You could check; it doesn't hurt to find out! And if it's more than they can handle, then they can make recommendations.
    I figured you knew - but I threw that out there just in case. I'd visit your student health center, though, since your tuition fees are paying for some of it. You could find out for yourself, without your parents.
    Collectively, the forum seems more stable and harmonic when you are around; there is a noticeable difference in communications and levity when certain members are not present. That is, you should stay =)

    Spring break is always a welcome relief - I'm sure you especially could use it. Relax and absorb, float as a pebble in peaceful currents. (Unleashing the Inner Child might be fun, too ^.^)
    I have been amazing, for the first time in quite a while. It's like waking up from a deep, deadening sleep: I have tons of energy and mental clarity, as when I was a child. My vacation from the forum was self-imposed; there were a few parasites to burn out of my system, so to speak.

    How have you been? I've read bits and pieces of your blog - you have an inspiring influence :)
    Yeah I hear ya.... I'm just gonna blame it on the weather :P I have a spring break in a couple of weeks, you're so lucky! Im thinking about going to Toronto or Montreal though, not sure yet.
    I've been okay, I'm a little meh at the moment... the weather here is really rainy and dingy. How are you??
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