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  • invisible is the one who gave me the butterfly hug heart. Isn't it beautiful? Hey. I noticed your new avatar! :hug:
    I have several personalities... like Helen Keller.

    BTW, I agree to talk on the phone with you soon. Sometime within the next few weeks would be good for me.
    mhmm... i was in a group and someone asked me how old i was and no one believed me.... thought i was mid to late 20's.... which AT MY AGE i'll take!!! lol.... i think it's cause i don't have any kids and rockin genes on my moms side... it's really bad if i wear my glasses out... i look like 15 and get carded for movies and stuff lol
    Isn't it great? :) @Endersgone (can you tag people in a visitor message?) found it for me :D

    Edit: I guess you can't but anyway.. he found it lol
    Oh, haha! I was feeling bad that we din't have you in on tiny chat the other night. We definitely should next time. :)
    Just ask him! I gave him my number & he immediately called me. He said I was the first person from the forum he had talked to via phone. he said he had asked 2 others & been turned down, lol. Awww... :(
    You definitely have a bad ass intellect, discipline, and perpetually free-spirited positive attitude, chica! not to mention you find the humor in anything!
    Yeah, I hate the dance interludes, and usher, but those lyrics, and his voice... he just sells it!
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