MMmmm. Are they good? (On another topic, I never tried bagels.)
..That doesn't sound like a bad day to have, does it?

What type of books are there in the library?
I see. So they are for different classes. That means two different, complex subjects. Whoa.
But to know that there -are- a class that connects both subjects is interesting. Are they more focused on the movement of the internal organs, the external; or both?
Take it. It might be useful since you have both subjects learned already. XD
....Oof. Crazy preggo people. Doesn't sound like the most pleasant people to be
What are they like? Are there some....mmm...unpleasant things happening there?
Right now? I'm basically a shopkeeper. Waiting on a jewelry beads store. It's NOT SHINY ENOUGH DAMMIT.