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  • i love your avatar, as always... such expressively woman avatars, and i LOVVVVVVVVVVVVE this background. Sigh... it is heavenly here.
    I totally appreciate your honesty in Korg's thread. It would seem you know me a little better than you think...or that might just be your intuitiveness kicking in. Either way, you are very correct. I do go through periods where I have a ton of motivation, and others where I can be pretty lazy. I have often wondered if I have some form of mild bipolar disorder or something along those lines. Anyway, thank you again for being honest and not sugar coating anything. :)
    LMAO now I am going to have that stuck in my head. Have yourself a good study session! <333333
    ugh, some folks were kinda snobby as expected. i got to drink some tasty beer though, and dinner was better than last year. i also looked cute as hell. i'd rather have gone bk home for shure. how was the concert? i still have never heard the Messiah live. i has a sad. mebbe next year?
    Wow, yeah. I always think I look bigger than I am because of the looks I sometimes receive from people. It makes me think I'm bigger than I probably am :D. But I've never really asked anyone how much I appear to weigh. I think people tend to think someone with a larger chest or a bigger behind weighs more than they actually do. Interesting stuff.
    I never tell anyone my weight. I think they may be surprised. not sure. How about you, are people usually surprised when you tell them your weight.
    Stomp on that shit. We'll see what the results are when they come in, not that it matters now because the exam is over and done with. My fingers are crossed that it all went swimmingly though!
    I will finish your choker this weekend and mail off early next week. I'll include my phone number in the card. Hope all is well. You should be in the middle of finals no?
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