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  • i would say there is life in all stones, i can feel/sense that, and yes they are calming to me.
    there are a couple of pics on the member's art thread of a pathway and a little patio i did with flat stones if you want to have a peek
    i'm attracted to all stones, even along-the-road stones! this is why i make pathways and little mosaic patios from stones - it's my way of keeping them without having to justify keeping them!
    i am gud. i am stuck home this weekend. i hafta go to some boring-ass werk party wif no liquor. pls pray for me. <3 kick ass on ur finals!
    i dont know exactly - i've always been drawn to amethysts and purple in general.
    i went to a place called Longhorn Cavern in texas years ago and they have one area in the cavern that is covered in quartz crystals. ceiling and walls coated entirely! it was absolutely breathtaking when the guide turned on the lights in the area but i could not get a proper photo.
    those amethysts came from a mine in thunder bay ontario canada. anyone can pay a flat fee and go and collect large chunks like this and load up their truck.
    If you want to join in that would be awesome! I'm only shooting for 6lbs myself. A pretty modest goal.
    Aw Thank you :)

    I'm glad you're doing well :) Ohhh good luck in your concert! Are you singing lead?
    haha yeah a phone card would be useful. But I could get one too lol. Thank you for the good vibes :)
    I will give you my number after Thanksgiving. I use a pre-pay cell and won't be buying minutes until next Tuesday. We should definately talk though. I am glad to see you back and by your blog, that you are feeling better. :) Have a great Gooble Day.
    I miss you too, but at least we got to catch up on the phone for a bit. Sorry I was such a downer. Hopefully the next time we talk I'll be in higher spirits. <3333333333333333333333333333
    Yes Mam. I will do it at 10 tonight. But my only choices will be in weeks. I'll need to do 3 weeks from today. I'll put you on my calendar to come back on the day you request. But if something happens to me - you'll need to use "contact forum admin". OK? Or use facebook for direct communication to one of us. Good luck on all of your tests. :hug:
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