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  • Yes, my name is Sonya and the reason the b was there is because my last name starts with B. I left it off this time though. I have had to close down my wall to only friends and contacts because of someone weird and I don't want to make it easer to find me irl.
    I posted a link to the ringtone on my blog. Telling you here cause I dunno if it notifies you, haha :)
    I won't be posting here any longer, as Last I disappear. I love this place and I love the people here but having my information in such a temperamental state is a risk I can no longer take. I hope that you will still keep in contact through other means.
    Wow, I don't think my financial aid EVER WENT FUCKING THROUGH. I am re reading this loan paper I picked up outside the office, and it says you should receieve notification of loan amount accepted from 7-10 days after receipt of completed application. What the hell? I never got a receipt of completed application. Never. Goddamnit I'm so livid I could punch a hole through the fucking wall. I just want to go to college, is that too much to ask. Seriously Lauren like, if this loan didn't go through, I won't be able to do ANY college this semester. And I just checked my student services online thing, and it said 'no pending financial aid.' I really hope that doesn't include loans. Like, oh my god. I'm freaking out right now, it's going to take me years to finish this school cluster fuck, thanks Obama.
    Thanks! Me too :3 It's amazing what you can get just by searching deviantART for 'eye'. =P [Tumblr is good too, but you can't really ask permission for things there, sooo...]
    Hahahah ewwwwwwwwwww. We can still floss right, I can't think of anything bad about floss...
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