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  • Ahhhh, I had forgotten alll about the toothbrush double meaning. Damn! Looks like we're going to have gingivitis
    I might have to go get a cam one of these days. Last night was fun for the hour that I was able to stay on chat!
    Lol...in that case I think the J is strong with this P...I'll probably have to write it down too. That is, once I finally figure out what to say, lol. I might let the kids pop on too if they want to.
    I do...they're in my "Tree of Life" blog...they're not very good, I will get better ones next time I go back. I do plan to make a vid for the memorial but I don't have the first clue what I'm going to say, lol.
    Hahaha! That's awesome. So you aspire to be a really really rich dork too?!

    So tell me, does it get any nerdier than this? You know that $2000 answer to a story within a story a few minutes ago, the one that was A Passage to India? Well I'm reading that for a class right now and emailed my prof about it being on Jeopardy....

    For some reason that all stayed highlighted...
    Yes! *high-fives fellow nerd*
    *pushes giant glasses back onto nose*

    The worst night in the world is Sunday because they don't show Jeopardy. Do you get depressed when it's Kids' Week also?
    OMG, yes, I cried at that part too. There were people sniffling all over the theatre, lol, so I didn't feel so stupid but my boys were with me and were looking at me like I was losing it. I felt so bad for Snape...and it made me think of John too, that's when we went to see the tree. I figured since I'd already been crying from the movie, what's a few more tears. :-P
    Lol, oh dear... I'd better get drunk if I'm going to attract that much attention to myself...
    I'll stand next to you in your corset, and that will be that! ;P
    Lol, aww thanks! You've put some thought into this... RAWR! ;)
    I almost never buy anything that's not black... :)
    GIRRRRL, I bet you can't!! You'd have lusciousness boiling over everywhere! ;D
    I have always wanted one as well... Not sure I'd be that bold in public, but, you never know...
    Hehe, yay! I've been (finally!) reading the books but I've had all of the movies for ages (well the ones that are out on DVD anyway). Have you seen The Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 yet? I saw it in 3D and it was pretty awesome...not quite as epic as I was hoping but still a good finish for the series. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person who never really hated Snape all that much. :)
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