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  • Got your message :0 Unfortunately I can't afford long distance, I mean, I'm pretty sure I have to pay for it. And I was at the Dr's office when you called. Miss you! Hope you are having fun with the better boys, hair, yams, fish, and well, EVERYTHING AFRICAN! Can't wait for you to get back! ALSO, when you get back I need help studying for this math test! I have to take it before July 2nd I'm pretty sure.
    I'm ok, exams coming up which isn't great but that'll be ok. :D


    So nice to see you around here!

    Hows your trip going??
    ;) I thought you might have meant emotionally... I'd say I'm about as mixed up as cookie batter.

    I love that you described the weather! I feel as if I'm there, the way your words made me picture it. I have always wanted to go there. I have instructed my ashes be taken there. I have always felt a pull there... Thank you for sharing. hope you stay cool somehow... what is that humidity doing to your HAIR!? I would look like a French poodle!
    I hope you are having a ton of fun! I expect to see pictures! I shall be taking a break for a couple of weeks to get some projects started and finished. I will be back and I expect to hear all about your exploits! Have a great summer Missy!
    Hey darling! I'm happy to hear from you! I hope your trip is going well and you are having a good time :) Thank you for popping by!
    Hey sugar! Glad to hear all went well with your travels despite yet another delay! haha. I can't wait to read the letters :D Things here are pretty well for me! Can't complain. It's the weekend and we had beautiful weather so that makes everything good in my bool!

    I love you too and will talk to you soooooooooooon! <3
    Hello my dear! That`s okay about yesterday. ooooh I hope I see you online before you go! I have something to share with you! If not, then I hope you travel safely and have an incredible time. Please come online if and when you can so I can hear all about it! I love you and I`ll talk to you soooooon!
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