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  • Let's hope nothing lies there and it's just a coincidence. (Alternatively, hope whatever it is, you can deal with it well)
    Can I have your address? =D
    LOL!!! Sorry! I have this weird paranoia he might find this place and read my blog haha.
    Mmmm-HMMM! Preach on sistah girl! We may have to tie them up. Hopefully they don't get bored with us as it seems INFJs might. :( We CAN keep things pretty fresh & interesting... We don't like boredom EITHER!
    I'm about to make some choc. chip cookies! I have always dreamt of visiting Africa. Work, or pleasure? Have a great time! You will be sorely missed.
    YES, and not really caring, because I've been pushed to my limit as a doormat! I am my warm & fuzzy self around a few close mates, so, I know I'm still in here, somewhere deep, lol. I feel badly saying anything negative about INTP's, I don't even KNOW any! Thank you for sharing that you've had the same experience, Serenity. I feel supported & understood. *hug* :D
    Aah. :)
    That's strange.. if Something/one indeed wants you NOT to go, why? What lies there?
    One can't help but ponder, and one can't help but.....getting kinda scared. But I'm curious.

    BTW, do you have MSN/AIM?
    where's Va, if I may ask?

    O_O Third time your flight to Ghana got delayed?
    Some sort of Divine Intervention, you think... any specific reason?
    Eh? Thanks, I'm flattered. :") Your post also has been really enjoyable....since time immemorial. It's like a comfortable sofa. Warm and comfortable and loving.
    I'm fine, I've just been browsing and getting lots of lots of cute cake pictures from my friend (for avatar reasons). I'm so happy. And hungry.
    How about you? Have you reached Ghana?
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