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  • "I think, therefore I am" exists
    "I look at a butterfly on my shoulder and look like I'm going to smash it but I'm only admiring its beauty and blahblahblah" doesn't.

    Our site is pretty new and intimidating. We have a lot of veterans of typology and knowledge of the systems is prided upon. As long as you don’t come in assuming you know more than the people who have studied for a long time, then it should be ok. Ask questions, and people will answer. Share your thoughts, but be open to others.

    INFJs is an incredible community. It’s like a “home”. I envy the atmosphere; however, it gives up a lot by being that “home” feel.

    Tolerance is what wins in the end.
    I know. I wanna leave until this whole thing blows over. Hey lauren? when the drama stops, blow the horn of gondor and I'll scamper back, kay?
    I think I'm an INXP as well although that test came out as a J. I'm pretty close to J/P divide though as well.

    And you believe yourself to be a 4w5?
    my name was alt ctrl del
    acd is just shorter

    I do get the Fe vibe from you.
    I don't really think that.
    Although you could be, I just voted for the hell of it.
    awwww, thank you :]
    i'm so stoked people like it !
    i think its adorable, but i'm kinda biased coz its on me and i have to like it. :]
    Hope my lame attempt at humor didn't offend you. He is really gorgeous and that puppy broke the cute meter. I finally got to try jollof. It was so good! We're going to have it again for Easter dinner. I cant wait.
    I have missed a lot on the forum.
    When I properly come back I will have a lot
    to catch up on.

    Who told you? Korg?
    You changed your name and I was like "who dat?"

    Miss you.

    I won't be around much for awhile.

    Got into a big fight with my mom.
    I don't really have any place to live
    so I'm trying to figure that out.
    It's been about a week now.

    I hope that you are doing more well than I.
    i heard of one doctor who said the patient had breast cancer and so they took it all out and left her flat chested. turns out he was wrong

    yeah i am a big skeptic a lot of the time. espc doctors, they think they know their shiz just cuz they get paid a lot
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