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  • Hi. There was no superiority tone in that entire topic. So... yup :) I do think you're a sensor, and your reaction to the type bias is a little bit as to why.
    Thanx for the rep, fellow taurus girl! Still trying to learn about the functions of mbti...and having difficulty remembering what goes with what, but I only became aware of mbti two weeks ago. If what I posted about my dad makes sense to you, I'm glad...but just know that my feelings on this topic are not based on much logic, and only a noob's understanding of types! LOL
    You should!!! It would be fun.... Though we are both introverts so I am sure we won't get up to anything to crazy lol.
    Chicago is like nyc on the cheap. I would recommend it. Or at least visiting. maybe you could stay with me if you're only visiting for a little while.
    do you like where you live? do you live in a small or big place?
    Thank you, love.
    And naaah i'm sure other people's inboxes get filled up too. it just really becomes an issue for me because i hate the idea of the delete button.
    hahaha yes I did know you changed your name. But SouloftheLaurel is so integrated into my mind I haven't adjusted yet!
    9, I think. Which one is yours?
    Which one is the one that INFJs usually are? or maybe theres no such thing?
    Whenever i do the test i always score high on like six of them. is that how it is for everyone?
    dammit, it looked way prettier in this box than it turned out on your page. sorry.
    Type 1 Perfectionism||||||||||||||||65%Type 2Helpfulness||||||||||||||||62%Type 3Image Focus||||||||||||||||||75%Type 4Hypersensitivity||||||||||||||||62%Type 5Detachment||||||||||||||||||71%Type 6Anxiety||||||30%Type 7Adventurousness||||||30%Type 8Aggressiveness||||||||||||47%Type 9Calmness||||||||||||||52%

    i dont think i did this right. i got a low score on anxiety? hmmm
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