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  • hey if you get a sec check out the poem I just posted. its taken on additional meaning for me now. btw that pic of you in your albums with your arms up and mouth open makes me smile so! :D
    I sent it today :) Fast post! Hopefully it should get to you in a couple of days xoxox

    Love you very much Lauren. :love:
    If you figure out you do, add me on EloGideon@gmail.com ;)
    I have things to talk to you about that cannot be done on visitor messaging.
    Yes, we will MAKE it happen. (:

    I am going to send your postcards/letter today. :D

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    I wish I could come see you!
    Thank you for the rep comment. All of my thoughts and feelings about America just kinda swelled up inside me today, and I had to get them all out.
    Ahhh I wish I could tinychat with you all, but stupid internet is stupid at the moment :/

    By the way, I'm working on getting postcards and stuff for the letter I'm going to send you soon (: Excited as!

    And yeah, uni soon! 11 days :o Nervous but very excited.
    I am good! A bit of drama last night when Miss Zelda Kittyface went missing, we were very very worried. Turns out she was hiding in our flatmates room all night, in some impossible to find hiding place. She came out when she was hungry this morning though, so we were very relieved. We honestly thought she was gone since there was a concert at the arena across the road from us last night, so lots of cars. We even checked the road to see if she'd been hit :/ :/ :/ But she is okay now and that's the important part.

    Sorry for the ramble :p :p How are you, my darling?
    Awww, honey, you already know it all, I don't think I can tell you anything you don't know about it already. :) (this was about the rep you gave me). Thanks, hon.
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