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  • Happy Monday to you too :D

    So it rained there? Speaking of... where do you live?
    I'm in Texas. It was 103 today. HOT!!!
    Hey - yea it's turning out to be a good weekend! Parties, went to the gym twice, naps, watching movies and playing guitar... hard to beat!
    How is yours going?
    and I like a lot
    Sister Janet - Doughnut song - Bug A Martini - Butterly -talulah
    just to name a few
    I like pretty much all of her songs. One of the ones that struck me years ago when I first listened to her was Professional Widow. What Tori songs do you like?
    I wish I could empathize, but my situation doesn't really compare. :(
    You have my sympathy, though, and I hope you're emotional state works out for the better in the near future.
    Awww, I'm sorry you're going through this. I hate dealing with fatigue, I get it quite often. It's so frustrating to me when there are things that need to be done (or I want to do) and I don't have the energy for it. I really wish there was a way I could help. :(

    You're very welcome for the hug! I give them out free so anytime you need one just let me know. :D
    I actually had no idea what it was from, but it's still funny. Now I'm goona have to see the movie.
    You're very welcome! You deserved it! As much as it hurts to hear that the abuser doesn't love you, it's something that MUST be said. I wish someone would have told me that years ago! I admire your boldness very much. :smile:
    Right now I have Pancake stuck in my head. I love almost all of her songs. There are very few I don't like.
    If you hit the pavement enough, you'll get to preform before you know it.

    As far as my band goes, we all met when we were in grade school and thought it would be cool someday to be in a band like "weezer or greenday" (back when we thought both bands were the shit). Come high school we all get interested in music and just kinda started jamming together. We'd play house parties and what not for the popular kids until the police started to know who we were.

    From there we just got active in our local scene (or at the time, lack of) by going to the local bars and talking with/making friends with the promoters until they started to book us shows. We got the ball rolling and have been having fun (definitely not in a monetary way mind you) when ever and where ever we can since then. We still get rejected from countless shows but every day we are in contact with booking agents and talent buyers trying to play anywhere and everywhere.
    That's a great idea, I'm sure the class can help point you in the right direction for where to begin preforming in your area (I mean it, you have a really nice voice, perfect to sing with a piano maybe? or guitar?).

    I sing and play guitar in my ska/punk/reggae band, we just got back together and did a mini tour after breaking up a few years ago. Other than that, I do my own acoustic gigs and recordings and occasionally play the sax in jazz ensembles.
    You should at least get out to some open mic nights in your area or something. I enjoy seeing new people on the forum who also have a love for music.
    It was much deserved! I liked the way you worded it.

    And I see that you're a singer???
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