Recent content by Kmal

  1. Kmal

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted but the good news that the bad news is gone is repeated ad infinitum for the majority of time. I wish people would be more positive
  2. Kmal

    How much harm does alcohol really bring you?

    That seems contradictory but I'd like to understand more.
  3. Kmal

    How much harm does alcohol really bring you?

    I want you to be a critical as a few beers harming you and as lenient as a few strong drinks everyday is healthy for you.
  4. Kmal

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted but you can only observe life and not participate. I wish everyone would be moderate and not so extreme on things
  5. Kmal

    [PUG] All white people are racist and must confront their racism

    What? Why separate yourself from your human brother? When humans work together amazing things happen. You see that our future is brighter than ever because of certain strides we've made in our living experience. Somewhere in time we are a great race together as one living in harmony with the...
  6. Kmal

    [PUG] All white people are racist and must confront their racism

    The one who determines who gets in the love is the persons inner self. They must get it inside for it to become outside. I have lost all doubt that we cannot achieve utopia. The tools are present and usable for anyone who truly seeks to be filled with boundless love and have it fill their life...
  7. Kmal

    [PUG] All white people are racist and must confront their racism

    slant the best way to say you are not racist is to wed and procreate with someone from another race. we are going to become one human race one day anyway.
  8. Kmal

    Medical and Recreational Cannabis in Florida

    More news:
  9. Kmal

    Medical and Recreational Cannabis in Florida

    Things are heating up in Florida regarding Medical Marijuana. There is a strong push for medicinal use by the owner of Morgan and Morgan law firm because his father had benefited from it and he is backing the bill and movement financially and politically. Let's make this happen...
  10. Kmal

    Christ In You

    Christ in you, you in Christ. Christ in God's mercy, you in God's mercy. Where Christ is, you are, and Christ is with God. It's uplifting when you realize you are with Christ and Christ is with God. It's the same end as other mystics that desire union with the spirit, just uniquely another...
  11. Kmal

    Whoever discovers the meaning of these sayings will not taste death.

    Not from the Quran, but Islamic mysticism nonetheless. Here is a passage from the oldest Persian treatise on Sufism, the Kashf al-Mahjub of Hujwiri: "It is related that Sari al-Saqati said, 'O God, whatever punishment thou mayst inflict upon me, do not punish me with the humiliation of...
  12. Kmal

    Whoever discovers the meaning of these sayings will not taste death.

    That was the opening of the Gospel of Thomas in the Gnostic Bible. Anyone who has read the Gnostic Bible, be sure to comment so I can hear your advice. This thread is about sayings that relate to that, not only by Jesus, but also Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, and anyone else who said something that...
  13. Kmal

    2 types of reality?

    The seen reality and the unseen reality, neither separate nor the same. fuckin lol
  14. Kmal

    Faith vs Logic

    Science is attempting to explain the outside world and religion is attempting to explain the inside world and the infinity within. It's an ideology, a way of thinking, metaprogramming, a how to guide to program your mind and shape your reality. It just depends on what your interested in, it...