Medical and Recreational Cannabis in Florida


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9w8 sx/sp
Things are heating up in Florida regarding Medical Marijuana. There is a strong push for medicinal use by the owner of Morgan and Morgan law firm because his father had benefited from it and he is backing the bill and movement financially and politically. Let's make this happen!,0,3737879.poll
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Wow! Out of 40900 voters 99% voted for the same option I chose at the Sun-Sentinal.

Good luck Kmal! I hope your state shows some moxie and some common sense and votes at least the medicinal aspect of mj legal.

EDIT: Mine keeps busting people and getting their pictures published on the front page. Of course - the governor of my state is pursuing secession. Did I tell you I need to! HaHAHAHAHAHA.
Looks like the prohibition might be coming to an end

Strong argument against prohibition by an ex police officer:

It's long long overdue. So is an end to the Drug War. It's insane to have a law which would make 40% of the population felons and prisoners. It's immoral to withhold treatment from patients, especially when it may be the only treatment. It's asinine to lock up an addict for drug use alone. I wonder, how far would legalizing and taxing marijuana go in solving some of the deficit issues? Basically anyone who wants to use it already is using it. Prohibition even managed to increase alcohol use, besides the corruption, violence, and mainstreaming the culture of crime... kind of like with marijuana.

The laws have caused enough harm already.

Anyway, that's my rant, and good luck to you guys.
Just another wonderful reason for my parents to move down here near me. They really could benefit from some non-narcotic pain management.
It goes against the word of Christ to intoxicate myself with such mind-altering drugs. My spirit needs to be pure for the transition to Kolob to live in the presence of our merciful, Heavenly Father.

Wow! Don't know what came over me there! Must have been the Mormon-through-osmosis thing kicking in!?

Anyhow, Utah is closer to secession from the planet, leaving behind an odd shaped, lava-filled void in the southwestern region of this country, than they are legalizing anything that could prove useful to people living in their state.

Looks like Florida may be another state of my "must visit" list :)
More news: Florida Senate Bill (SB) 1250, which would legalize marijuana for medical purposes.

Working on getting a script which would email all of the florida senators with a simple, powerful message regarding this topic and how much the public would like for it to happen. Once I get the script I'll post it here and each of us can send every senator an email about this bill. Good luck guys, lets get it done!

Sent the first email alerting my local senator of coming events:

Regarding medical cannabis, bill 1250- it needs to be passed for state funds. The result would be very profitable and many people would see an increase in quality of life. There will be a petition and extremely active participation in the passing of this bill and ultimately an end to prohibition altogether.

Soon, all of our Florida senators will be receiving emails, letters, and phone calls regarding the passing of this bill. The Florida public, and country wide, want to see this bill passed and the end to prohibition.

All the best, Ken
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I will say that I recently emailed a Florida senator about CISPA and I did get not one, but TWO email responses. While he tends to be extremely conservative and I don't tend to agree with his votes, he does listen to public opinion.

You might visit demand progress and see if you can get a petition started.