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  • I've been doing good! The only excitement right now is helping a friend do some research on a Honda Civic Si (he's thinking about buying one)....then I'm gonna help him turbo charge it but that's in the far future though. How about youuu??????
    :lol: Horse first...stalking later xD

    Oh damn! all of'em. The more pics I can choose from the better.

    p.s. I like how the text on your profile matches your eye color. :D
    kucala! do you have any HD pictures of your horse? If you, can I borrow one? I'm gonna make you something but forget this part because I want it to be a surprise. :D
    Unfortunately. My dad and stepmom are Ghanian and where they are from, everyone was home by 6 or 7. I am not allowed to do sleep-overs either.

    However, they have started to let up quite a bit, especially since I usually stay out late to study and "study" XD
    Make that centuries. x'D

    but I'm back so you'll be hearing from me more often. :)
    I can sense the "control" reason for you. It makes sense, knowing you.
    I apologize for my assumptions. I'm a bit sensitive about that kind of thing.

    I'm glad that you have been eating "properly" though.
    I have a terrible habit of either eating WAY too much out of stress, or not enough because of forgetting to eat/being so preoccupied that I forget to.

    In the meantime, I'll pray for peace for you.

    In reference to your blog, show the body some love. There are probably girls out there who would kill for your looks. (In all honesty).
    I understand how you feel though. I used to beat myself mentally over appearance issues, but one day I realized to myself, 'they didn't really like you when you were thin", and "they certainly don't like you now". The converse also holds true. I guess it's freeing to unashamedly tell people that you are 252 lbs.
    Oh I have done that before...especially when I felt like I was going to have a mental break-down.

    I have done it quite a few times in college too. Sometimes, you just need a day off from life...So you tell your madre that class is cancelled and sleep in and do nothing all day long. XD
    LOL. It's definitely keeping me on my toes...a perfect challenge and learning experience.
    Between you and me, I spent 23 hours in the laboratory the week before the exam.

    You are lucky to have a day off before school tomorrow.
    Holiday? or just a personal day
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