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  • Ah ^^; I'd say your assumption is wrong, tho; I don't have any intentions in that sense. :) Is that okay?
    Thanks for the tip (;

    Am I troubled?
    Being troubled implies that you care.
    When I start caring again, Oh, I'm sure I'll be all sorts of troubled.
    I'm scouting for men for us to take advantage of.

    Troubled in what ways?
    my self esteem used to be pretty bad. i think it's much better now though. it is a work in progress! but, having said that, we have a deal.
    lol well - sorry to disappoint. although i guess it's a cool thing to be mistaken for a girl since Cloud totally dressed in drag and was a quite the hottie. win!
    Most people say it's because of my avatar. Was it the same for you?
    I don't know. I mean, what do you mean by having you make a move on me? You surprise me sometimes ^^;
    above conventionally established standard? Or rather a personal standard? Hmm. If a personal standard's a reflection of the established standard, then I could say that, but what if the apparent established ones were only reflection of a self-valued judgement? I wonder.

    See, it's hard to define that. Isn't it better to accept a stranger's good word then move on?
    I've been around. However, things have been really busy irl and behind the scenes here, so I haven't had much time to post in the open forums. However, things really cooled off in the hidden forums, so I have time to come back to the open.

    Also, I'm glad I was able to cheer you up. However, I must disagree. We do matter. Yeah, we may be tiny and very short lived on the universal scale, but then, on that scale, everything is. So where do we fit in? We matter to each other. We change make enormous changes to another's life, and we can live our own life to the absolute greatest. On the human scale, we're monumental.

    That all said, why are you so sad? I know you may not want to talk about it, as is your nature, but remember that if you do want to talk, I'm always here.
    Not so loud!

    I'm not sure why, but I laughed out loud when I read that.
    Good lord, that would be awesome.

    We could put raccoon heads in his room while he's asleep.
    Then we'll just wait until he wakes up.
    If you're going to murder someone, you must:

    -Invite me to join
    OR: take pictures / videotape it.
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