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  • Wow that's weird dude. I'd get rather impatient. I've been known as a psycho for literally charging into anything.

    And yeah I played PD:Z, not as good by a long shot.
    Haha sounds like we've had the same experiences. My favourite moment was shouting at my mate for running our warthog over the edge 'till he gave me the driver's seat and I shown him how it's done.

    From then on I was always the designated driver.

    Edit: And Perfect Dark was most certainly awesome.
    Yeah in any game I usually got for precise weapons, or blast the hell out of anything ones.

    Love coop too, definitely one thing that consoles have over PC. Nothing's better than having 4 guys fighting amongst themselves in a game for lulz.
    I loved the comical moments of him meeting himself. Especially the 4 Cortez's in one room.

    "password's banana"!
    Cortez for sure. Love the way he's a shameless Vin Diesel rip off.

    In multiplayer I'd normally pick a character that goes with the theme.
    well, maybe it is time for you to get to know yourself in a more intimite way *grins*
    aww, you tiny little ball of sulkiness...
    /runs away, far, far, away.

    ooh, so you're just played 7. :) why so?

    I haven't played the other, Dissidia included; I do have PSP, but it's been a long, long time since I touched that....

    I'm last playing Final Fantasy Tactics.
    Yes, he does resemble Cloud. I was hoping there was a manga I could read for it. From the avatar alone the character looks quite interesting. Ah well... Thanks.
    Aaaah XD A FF fan. XD

    I've played 3 - 10, 10-2 and 12, methinks. But I completely forgot about...most of them, really. D:
    I haven't even finished 3-4, missing a huge gap of 5-6, literally not seeing a huge part of 8 and 9 (I had watched my brother played it), and on the verge of finishing 10 and 12 (or at least halfway done) before stopping due to...SOMETHING.

    So I only played 7 and 10-2 entirely. Incidentally I find both soundtrack appealing, esp remakes of FF7s.

    Gameplay wise, I like FF XII tho. a private MMORPG with an ending! What can I ask for?
    xD;;; too bad :) You're outside?

    ooooooooooh FFV! The minutes of my life spent to master all jobs..... You're a fan of old school FF, I take it? :D
    nah, no worries! :D but I wonder, is it a glitch? :|

    The..battle at the big bridge? LoTR? Or.....something else entirely?
    \o/ nah, I slept well, so that means you haven't gotten me...yet. (Please don't?)

    ooh~ they are boyish?
    And the biggest question of today; why Sephiroth?
    1) Aaah, well, I just so happened to like dull stuffs. But chocolate deodorant? That' interesting product you have there, sir.
    2) -A- okay, not good. Too bad :< Hot Asian is hot, even in Asia. Too bad their hotness were mostly accompanied by a huge...Ego.
    But you have two pleasant and nice, cute Asian girls working for you ! Surely not a bad thing at all? :)
    3) and aw :( why'd you call yourself a pushover?

    I'd like to prolong our conversation but I apologize for having to take my -cough- beauty sleep :<
    If you mind, would you like to continue our conversation tomorr-- um, later today?

    It's a pleasure to talk with you, sir :D

    I'm afraid that if you think mere hypnosis can break my will , you are in for a rather rough time sir.


    You have not convinced me to alter my mental visions of you, but you have made me crave a muffin.

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