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  • Indeed, he was incredibly talented - I havn't seen all his pieces though, guess I can start by looking into more of his work. Thanks.
    Thanks, if you ever have any classic or acoustic pieces feel free to share. I've been exploring that music/sound as of late.
    A little late on the reply haha...but I also love Stephen King (and of course Lovecraft). I particularly loved his Dark Tower series. I think though, for fiction/fantasy, Neil Gaiman is one of my favorites. Sandman = epic!
    Yea. I was getting a "feeler who is spiraling" vibe from you before anyway. If it helps, you seem to be one of those who begins to start a uncontrollable "self-doubt" kind of phase. I noticed when you sent that "hope you I didn't hurt you" after your joking comment on my blog. It will be okay. Take a couple of deep breathes but don't hyperventilate. :)
    It is the internet guy. Don't project your insecurity on the website. That person has had a history of behaving the same way. This is a really great place. If you want to pull away, pull away but do it because it is something YOU want to do.
    Yup, still at it... I really like the acoustic for it's ability to sustain sound, classic certainly does have a nice crisp depth/quality to it though. I may end up trying all three at some point, time will tell.
    There can be only one. I could train you then I would have to cut your head off. I won't know which one until the time comes though.... LOL ;)
    I am not a Feeler. Boo Hiss to You!! I was making fun of a new member who posts stupid stuff.
    Guitar is great. I started with acoustic... My dads old Gibson that I dusted off one day when I was sixteen. I then got an electric soon after, and had fun thinking I was the next Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin guitarist).

    Then my parents got me a classical guitar when I was about 21. That was the most challenging and rewarding for me. I remember spending hours on end learning classical compositions, that just melted in my ears as I played it.

    It really can be rewarding. I hope you get as much enjoyment out of it as I did.
    Indeed, acoustic - started a couple months ago... wish I started an instrument when I was younger, but what can you do - at least I have some time now.
    [blush] ....You know something Mike? It feels weird to me to be a hero for someone else. Yet it's one of the main themes of my life that I consider many many ordinary people my heroes. In fact I wrote it on my "About Me" page here. Silly - isn't it? How we can hold a certain view of other people and not even think of holding the same view for ourselves. I am going to practice acceptance of your wonderful thought. Truly - I'm glad I gave you some inspiration. In today's world - inspiration can be rare indeed and it is sorely needed....don't you think? Thank you for your gift to me today.
    I was down and out for a few days, but I've been feeling considerably better today - Thanks for asking. How about yourself? Life going okay for the time being?
    Hi Mike,

    No I haven't given it up. I had a really bad cold over the last 1.5 weeks or so so I haven't made a video. I intend to make another one over the weekend now that i am feeling better. Thanks for asking :)
    Do you take Gaba, 5-HTP, or other natural supplements for anxiety?
    Nobody wants to be the anxious one. But everyone wants to be his friend.
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