Recent content by MikeINvalid

  1. MikeINvalid

    You're welcome!

    You're welcome!
  2. MikeINvalid

    Nice work. I love the personal feel of your story.

    Nice work. I love the personal feel of your story.
  3. MikeINvalid

    I voted for yours! :)

    I voted for yours! :)
  4. MikeINvalid

    Introducing other people to MBTI?

    Thanks TDMmyriad and Kgal for that link. That really is the best site I've seen so far and the descriptions just gave me that "aha" moment. I haven't really talked to anyone else about MBTI, but my wife is a bit into it like me. She is also an introvert.
  5. MikeINvalid

    You in a flow chart...

    This is great. I've done something similar to this quite a few times throughout my life. Although you're right about it being somewhat limiting, it's still a useful tool. Every once in a while, I like to "analyze" my life... And in some kind of concrete fashion. I've also put priorities in...
  6. MikeINvalid

    I've been hanging in there, thanks for asking. Hope you're doing well.

    I've been hanging in there, thanks for asking. Hope you're doing well.
  7. MikeINvalid

    Pros and cons of looking younger vs. looking older

    I still get carded on occasion, though not often now. I've been told by strangers that I look like I'm around 30. When I was in my 20s people would sometimes mistake me for being a teenager ( I feel your pain Endersgone ) I'm pretty short too, so that kind of adds to my youthful appearance, I...
  8. MikeINvalid

    ESTJ: the ideal of masculinity?

    A clear definition of masculinity is first needed.
  9. MikeINvalid

    What roles do you play in your life?

    Son, brother, student, friend, friend, co-conspirator, lover, student, worker bee, gentleman, husband, producer, rebel, thinker, father, homemaker, father, worker, father, husband, father/homemaker/husband/friend.
  10. MikeINvalid

    How to change your type

    Yes, well... There are times when I can do this. But it is obviously not the norm. And why should it be? We only reach out that far beyond our boundary every once in a while... If it becomes habit, then the boredom will outweigh the benefit.
  11. MikeINvalid

    Cool. You're in trouble now! ;)

    Cool. You're in trouble now! ;)
  12. MikeINvalid

    Have You Ever Tried To Fake Being An Extrovert?

    I cannot force extroversion when it becomes draining... I'm apt to split the scene in situations where I'm forced to do it. When I do get into the moods (not very frequently) when I feel comfortable being extroverted then it isn't draining at all. The thing is it just doesn't happen frequently...
  13. MikeINvalid

    Have You Ever Tried To Fake Being An Extrovert?

    Not so faking or acting, but I have gotten into moods every once in a while where I would become very extroverted. For some reason I was able to lose myself in whatever was going on and instead of forcing extroversion, it was more like I had become a parallel personality - still similar in most...
  14. MikeINvalid

    You want me to give you some writing assignments?

    You want me to give you some writing assignments?
  15. MikeINvalid

    Good job on your blog. You hit the magic number of 21 days. A good habit - one of self- discovery.

    Good job on your blog. You hit the magic number of 21 days. A good habit - one of self- discovery.