ESTJ: the ideal of masculinity?

ESTP is probably the "ideal" teen, but ESTJ is the ESTP idealized in society.
i dont really think that MBTI types has anything to do with masculinity
i dont really think that MBTI types has anything to do with masculinity

I agree with your premise, but by agreeing, I also find it necessary to discover the meaning and reasoning behind Steele's premise.

I do not remember the exact statistics, but males are approximately:
67% thinker
75% extravert (also true for females)
75% sensor (also true for females).

This means:
50% of males are ST.
37% of males are EST.

This may lead one to question whether EST's or ST's create the norm.
A more convincing way of putting it is that most males prefer extraversion, most males prefer sensing, and most males prefer thinking.
Or perhaps a functional way of putting it might be: most males have dominant/secondary Si Se Ti Te. And perhaps because the Extraverts are predominant, it is likely that dominant Se and Te are the norm. Hence EST.

The "ideal", according to Steele, is thus seen from the perspective of who the majority are.
And why ESTJ instead of ESTP? It is because ESTJ is seen as a more capable leader of a family or social unit, perhaps?
well it depends on whose ideals it is.

as for cultural stereotyped ideals, i think Te is probably most valued (i think Ni would be valued over Si but i'm not too sure).
Culture... WHICH culture.

ESTx; ESTP for the 'cool' type, ESTJ for the 'strong' type.

Asian, though? They value less extroversion; or at least one particular quality that is commonly attached to E types; their tongues.
XSTJ; ISTJ for the 'dependable type', ESTJ for the 'charismatic' type.

But I'm speaking in 'adult' PoV, within 'adult' males. In teens, certain amount of P are idealized, so is certain amount of N-ness.
Care to explain?

Sure. The ideal man in the Western world, as seen by probably a majority of Western women, is a man who isn't whiny, who is grounded and strong. Not whiny and strong is a Thinker, grounded is a Sensor.

But I didn't originally deduce it from MBTI. It's just my experience that somehow ST types are regarded as ideal men. ESTJ (manager), ISTJ (officer), ESTP (athlete), ISTP (badass) ... somewhere along those lines.
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My vote goes to the estp. They always have manly type jobs too, usually fixing something.
Hmm. I will try and challenge your statement @JGirl . Ever hear of the impression, too bad he's gay. And there a lot of girls who like male strippers and 100% of them are flaming tamales.


Hmm. I will try and challenge your statement @JGirl . Ever hear of the impression, too bad he's gay. And there a lot of girls who like male strippers and 100% of them are flaming tamales.



Sexuality is a very small part of masculinity.
I'll break down the train of thought here. Testosterone is the male hormone. Estrogen is the female hormone. Typically the gay male has higher levels of estrogen to that of a strait one.
Hmm. I will try and challenge your statement @JGirl . Ever hear of the impression, too bad he's gay. And there a lot of girls who like male strippers and 100% of them are flaming tamales.



[MENTION=1848]The Doctor[/MENTION] pretty much covered what i would have said on that
when i think of 'masculine' ideals i think of robustness (physical and mental),rationality, competency (within male-dominated spheres) and virility (youth, sexual).

Do you have any thoughts on the matter? :]