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  • Yeah, I thought you were Japanese because of the video you posted. I've actually been thinking about ENFJ, and some of it does add up. But, I'm pretty sure I'm a lot more of an Introvert than an Extrovert. I know INFJs are often mistaken for extroverts, because Fe makes it really easy to get along with people.

    I like your avatar. The girl is lovely. Do you speak multiple languages, or something?
    Being oneself opens one up for misinterpretations. I would rather be myself than pretend to be someone I am not. You chose the correct path.
    Yeah, I can see that. I wanted to ask because I thought I might be INFP, but I don't think I am. Ni is the dom for INFJs, and I know I've had it since i was a little kid. It's sort of the opposite of yours, it makes it potentially very easy to be swayed.
    Do you live in the States?
    That's understandable. They don't always make sense. Did you ever try reading up on them?
    According to the theory, you would value feelings above all else, and have a great need for meaning in the things you do, and in your life.
    I've been wanting to ask you speak spanish? I think you said you were half hispanic? I'm just a tiny bit curious.
    Hehe =)

    And I'm glad that you're glad :D. Mochi, I'll be active for many many centuries as I'll be passing my account to future generations.
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