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  • I never said that. Where did you read that? I'm a little unsettled that my internet home is topsy turvy when my real life is pretty crappy right now also. I could use a nice warm distraction, instead of this that's going on.. but that's life I guess. However, this is my internet home, I'm not going anywhere unless I'm told to leave... Can you link where you read that at? Thank you Morgain.... xxx
    Yeah, I've noticed a lot of people mentioning this same issue for quite a while. There's been an obvious change of tone, and I hope everyone can come to a decision about it that takes the more sensitive members into consideration. The entire internet (to say nothing of the world at a large) is a place for harshness and flippancy ... people who need a peaceful place should be able to find one here. *hugging Fs*
    Dat was wel een vette foto.
    Gelukkig was het geen slide show.. :p
    I always forget how out of sync we are with our time! You did great Morgain! Thanks! <3 you are great!!
    I spent a fair amount of time in INFP mode I believe. INJF is my primary (default) mode. INFP is my seconday (stress-time) mode. Have a great day Morgain!
    Morgain, I think your taoistic view is beautiful and wise. I have only recently begun to experience flashes of its power for peace in my own life. Hearing your witness of experience is so helpful in that journey.

    I wish you continued peace with your acceptance. In my current framework, your perspective exemplifies the deepest of wisdom and a light I hope I can relax enough to bathe in someday.

    Best to you...
    :) I am still contemplating your words. Especially what you had to say about fearing death.

    I was thinking today about a sign at a church I drove past that said, "Life is short, pray hard". I fell into a lot of thought about all this little phrase says about a Christian community fear of death and the desire to have a sense of power over disintegration of ego-dominated human experience.

    I'm ego-centric enough to fear the disintegration of my current expression, but for whatever reason I find more peace in letting it go and seeing myself as a changing part of that eternal whole, than in exercising power of prayer to secure myself nice accommodations in afterlife. I think both are maybe, at least partially, different expressions of a desire to maintain a sense of control over an unknown, and so frightening, outcome. At least this is as far as I've gotten in my contemplation. :)

    I'm curious your thoughts...
    I think especially NI and Te are very useful for science (INTJ's are the scientists). And Ni you already have! I don't like memmorizing either, I'm not very good at it and I'm better in understanding a theory and use it in a practical way. That is exactly what you need for science so that is also a big reason why I chose this. I was also thinking about psychology but there you need to do a lot of memmorization and I can't do it, lol

    I think studiing science will be enough to develope your thinking functions :-)
    lol, I see, indeed I think being able to see the big picture will help me in my science pursuits, I am not a big fan of just memmorization, I like classes where you can apply and experiment which is why I like science so much, though the development of functions such as Thinking and Sensing are also important, I think for science you need an overall good balance..I am trying to find ways to improve my thinking functions(They are quite developed yet still need more) and even more my sensing(my Se is so low....) but I think with practice it is possible!!:)
    wow, it's so nice your able to keep such wonderful memories :), lol I do think indeed you look very cool in your lab outfit...You must have a passion for science, I also love favorite it looks like we have something else in common lol..
    Oh wow, I just noticed some other awesome pictures you have!!:), are those your ancestors? is nice you have a picture of them :), also you look so cool in your lab outfit!!
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