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  • Ahh thank you so much dear. How were your holidays?
    I'd be totally up for it if possible!! I'm supposed to notify some people if I get around their states :)
    I have been absent because I am in America and the computer isnt always available for me. Plus I am out loads. I'm sorry and it should change when I get back to Sweden again xD Anyways happy holidays dear and happy new year and may all your dreams come true in the comming year and may it be filled with blessings ^^
    Die van Leuven.
    Als ge nog niet naar nen 3D film zijn geweest en het is wilt doen zou ik het wel doen natuurlijk.
    Sommige scenes waren eigenlijk echt wel cool door het 3D effect.
    Ik heb m gezien in 3d, ik vond het wel redelijk, maar uiteindelijk vond ik 3d niet zo speciaal.
    Ik denk dat ik voor 2D zou gaan als ik hem opnieuw zou zien, niet dat ik hoofdpijn kreeg van 3D, maar het waren kutbrilletjes en na de eerste 10 minuten was het speciale van 3D eraf.
    Thanks for the rep. And no, you didn't mess up the thread, it's great to hear people's opinions because it's a way to learn.
    I did not wish to continue offtopic on Ni thread so I've posted here instead:) According to original Jungian definition there's only one F but it can be flowing in two directions: either from inside to outside (extroversion) or from outside to inside (introversion). You can't go into two different directions at once. It's the same for N, S and T.

    According to wiki: "This idea is interpreted in terms of whether the person finds it more rewarding when using the function in question to have an outward focus on people and things (extroversion) or an inward focus on thoughts and ideas (introversion). These models do not claim that people are only capable of applying the function in question in that attitude, but rather that operating in the opposite attitude requires the expenditure of "energy" (or rather, emotional resources, enthusiasm, and so on) whilst operating in the person's natural attitude replenishes that same energy."

    As for practical uses I collect rewards from both Fi and Fe :) But sharing emotions seems to work better.
    just i felt my user name should be like roger and i like this name too much. So kept it. It is nice to hear from you that you are enjoying yourself being here. Great, i hope you find out so many things within you. :D Best luck for it.
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