No, no, no. There is no way that I'm gonna let you say that. My voice is horrible. It's not even a 'proper' south British accent. It's a inarticulate Bristolian/Bath accent. Bleugh, how the hell does that sound sexy?
YOURS on the other... phew. You know, I'm gonna have to be on my guard because all the guys around me are gonna get jealous. Don't you know, everyone is crazy for european women?
Oh man, they're even better. The digestives are a subtle, more refined biscuit. But Hob nobs are like, messy, full fat, full on biscuits. The bread bit is made of oats and with milk chocolate. I'll get you some, don't worry.
Man when you said that first sentence, my heart jumped! Don't do that!
Control yourself? You realise that the fact there are still 5 biscuits left is an incredible achievement? Haha. Don't worry, I'm bringing some with me, that way I won't forget to buy them.
A little more, then the pennies I'm paying for that coach? Pff... I don't know how airports work but I'll figure it out. That's just a back-up plan.. Anyway, it's gonna work out!