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  • I know! It's great not having to gel it, I don't have to be afraid of making contact with my head and I can touch and mess with my hair as I want. I haven't done that for months, lol!

    Lol, it was. Why didn't you sleep? What film were you watching?
    Haha, no. My side burns are awesome though, they fade out down to my jaw. One short guy who works there is a moody prick, the other tall guy either cuts it too short or not enough but then I had this other guy who did a pretty good job. The short guy used to just cut my side burns off, so there is an edge, how retarded, it obviously didn't look good.

    But today, is a fine day. I feel a new man. I will sweep you off your feet and take you anywhere, battling all those who get in our way!
    Went in the morning so there was no one there, thank god!

    Small talk was pretty bad but... it was okay. I documented my journey there with pictures and will send them to you.
    Guess who's had a hair cut


    (And it doesn't look like that guy)
    No way! I think it's a good amount! Even keel, just enough, moderate, in the middle.

    And you're still here, I'm impressed! Unless it's some automated robot thing replying to me...
    Okay, NEVER MIND. I'll do another one maybe on tomorrow. When it is 1 in the morning.

    Don't you wanna hear me say something insightful?

    Ice cream? What are you... doing with these videos? :suspicious:
    Stripped? Oh yes, lol. That was just my... night wear.

    No no no, you have to give me something to go, I can't just... talk. It needs to be short too.

    Anyway got any requests and stuff? It's getting laaaaate, I wanna make another one!
    Well... there's ways THAT could happen :eyebrows:

    Anything but bare in mind, everyone is asleep and I left my microphone at uni!
    Not even the surname? Really? (Kicks the dirt)

    I'm pretty hungry right now so I'll take the kiss!
    Yeah right at the end! That was what I was trying to say but frontal lobe thinking goes out the window when fight or flight response takes over and your IQ drops 10 points... and you turn into a bumbling idiot haha.

    Did I get your surname right or any of your address? Lol.
    Powerful? LOL

    Wow, well thanks. You requested it... how could I not? I am nuts after all.
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