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  • Well a girl's gotta make some money. My two weeks notice is in at work. I fly out on the 23rd to begin my true quest. These next couple of weeks will be in preparation for what is to come.
    Ok fine then, stay frowny. As long as I get to huggle and squeeze you, I'll be happy with that! **HUGS & KISSES!!** :D

    ... Wait a minute, are you SMILING???
    Not enough sleep.
    Too many bad
    dreams to sleep.

    A baby alpaca would def. help (:
    Yes, your avatar is very joyful.
    You will just have to express your polka dots in some other way.
    lol...but they forgot to give you a ball and chain

    What's the fashion code for today?
    POLKA DOTS????
    John, I really feel the need to hug you back to happiness again when I see your pouty avatar...
    I don't mind not having anything to do. That's how my weekends are. But I feel much more alive and energetic when I have tons of shipments coming through that need to be done. I can also prove to myself how fast I can be and how much I can get done.
    Out of clever responses. Need to recharge. Care to join me for some coffee? (I can meet grudging defeat at the altar of the bean. I AM human, after all ;) )

    How are you this morning?
    yeah I guess if someone comes in from out of town you can't really turn down plans.

    I sure was at work. I work Monday to Friday 4pm to Midnight PST. It has been super busy lately so I don't get any msn time there now. Sigh!
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