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  • Quasae fighting with Sven.

    I only got three hours of sleep.

    What are you up to?
    Stop it

    Replacing things as they stop working (:

    great idea!

    I think that's a good idea (:
    taking her out.

    Squidsy told me he would like more
    plants in his new tank.
    If squidsy attacks her what if she breaks a hip?

    No chicken broth in house.

    Educational videos are a good idea.
    LOL at the arab guy haha, but the pigs are creepy :(

    cookie monster muffin is genius o_O
    Whoever created them should be more famous than einstein
    Ooooh I see. That's pretty neat that you had the opportunity to do that. I sometimes look back and wish that I had opted to go off campus for some courses, but I didn't. I was much too shy to do much beyond going to normal classes lol.

    A friend of mine runs a knitting blog where she features knitting from other knitters online and the modifications they do to knit patterns. Most of them are young women under 30 which I found really interesting because growing up I had this idea that only old ladies knit. But it also opened my eyes to all of the possibilities that can be achieved with yarn, and I was amazed. Knitting is also something I'd love to learn along with quilting but I think it's something I would have to be taught one on one to get the basics down.

    Yes making your own suit would be awesome. Nothing like a good, customized and tailored suit!

    As for the job, I can see myself here for the next 5 years. I have planned to be here at least until I am 30. That way my car is paid off and all of my debts should be completely gone. Then when I have financial freedom it will give me a little leeway to explore new career opportunities or even go back to school. By that time I'll have been there for 8 years and will also have 10 years experience in the brokerage industry which will afford me way more opportunities in terms of getting into management as well. So we'll see how things go.
    I let him swim in the river, but I think he might
    get too big. And he says the fish just aren't
    the same.
    Yeah for sure. I have been thinking about expanding into other areas of the company but somehow freight forwarding just doesn't interest me even though that part of my company is booming all over the planet. I don't really care for ocean and air freight lol. Then again, I don't care for brokerage either haha.

    That's pretty neat that you can construct clothes. When I went to high school we didn't have classes like that. In fact we didn't even have anything Home Ec or wood shop or anything even close to it. If you wanted to take those courses you had to be bussed to another school and as far as I know not that many people took those opportunities. In some ways we had a lot of things we could do that other schools didn't offer but at the same time there weren't any courses that would help develop our real world skills.

    It sounds like you can make yourself a full outfit lol.

    What about knitting? Do you do that as well?
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