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  • Oh I forgot House. I love that show.

    Other interests: Reading, (I'm a pretty big bookworm) Music, Video Games, Cooking, I like learning about Genealogy, Psychology, Philosophy, Religion, Astrology, Nutrition. People interest me, what makes them tick and all that. I like going in a crowed place and being a fly on the wall, watching all the people, trying to figure out their stories. I used to draw a lot when I was younger and I've been seriously wanting to get back into that. I will when my life slows down a little bit. I also like knitting even though I'm not that good at it. It's a very relaxing hobby.
    What about you?
    We had a dance party to the timeless Wiggles classics as Hokey-Pokey, Hot Potato-Hot Potato and Dorothy the Dinosaur. lol. Then I had them tidy up their rooms, put 'em in their pj's and we sat around and watched half of the Tinkerbell movie before bed. One bed-time story and they were out. Easy-peezy. :P I feel like such a big kid around them, it's fantastic.
    How about you? How was your evening out?
    Oh yay! That's so cool that you are watching.

    Other shows I like: (most of them are cancelled lol)
    Dr. Who
    Battlestar Galactica
    The Tudors
    Dead Like Me
    United States of Tara
    How I Met Your Mother

    I'm sure there are others....
    And of course Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. I actually haven't seen Firefly yet. I've been meaning to get around to it. It's next on my list.
    I kinda want to finish up with what I have, and then spend the rest of the night reading in my bed.
    It's been a while since I've done, and I miss the feeling of a book in my hands. (Overly poetic, eh? :P )
    I kinda like the smell of gasoline.

    What it's about is this secret company has figured out a way to reprogram people's brains to give them whatever personality they want them to be. They are called Dolls because their normal personality has been wiped clean and they walk around in this basic child like state (doll state) until they are imprinted with a new personality. The company basically sells sessions with the dolls to their clients for millions. They program the dolls however the customer wants them to be programmed.
    Dollhouse was not advertised right. It's not what you think it's gonna be. And even the first few episodes are deceptive. It starts out kind of freak of the week and then later builds into this big story arc. I am pretty sure it got cancelled because the majority of network tv watchers just didn't get it. I am not sure what kind of shows interested in. But just the fact that you post on this forum shows that you are probably interested in psychology and how the mind works on some level. So, you would probably find it interesting.
    The first season should still be on Netflix instant. If you have Netflix.

    Oh wait... were you saying something? ;)

    Nah, darling. We can talk about whatever you want to talk about, although we could probably save that discussion for later. I'm going to be ducking out in a minute. Till tomorrow?
    Jumping Jellybeans! It's the NERD CORPS!

    Oh I see. Hard Core NERD night! Awesome. I'll be honest and say I'm glad I'm not crashing that party. I'd feel a little left out. I'm about as tech-savvy as the average civil war veteran
    Hahaha gross! The cigarette thing reminds me of this sleazy club promoter I once knew who used to drink from other people's leftover wine glasses. One time he drank one with a cigarette butt in it. He just plucked it out and kept on drinking. GROSS!!!!

    The Dollhouse character is just fascinating. I don't know if you are familiar with the show. The character starts out as someone you would kind of underestimate. You think she's quiet and kinda bland but it turns out there is so much more going on under the surface. She's not what anyone (any viewer) expected. I guess on some deep level, I relate to that.

    My dad let me sip a beer once when I was 5. I spit it out and said "YUCKY"! lol
    Well, I got Flatland in t-minus 2 hours. ;) Once I get it, I can send you the 'rent and I'll keep mine open so you can use me as a 'eed
    Oooh. Geek night! What's on the docket today? D&D? Halo? Chat Roulette? Three-Dimensional Chess? Or Magic the Gathering? *pokes*

    I personally prefer the Army of Darkness drinking game!

    They're my nieces and they're two and a half and three and a half. And yes, I have babysat them many times before. lol. Everyone in my family takes turns watching them when my brother and sister-in-law are working or running errands. I usually get the night or afternoon shift because I'm the only one who can put them to bed at the right hour. ;)
    Yeah, we'll read the text afterwards, I suppose.

    And wait.. are we doing this tonight?! I won't be able to commit to this tonight. I got babysitting to get to in half an hour. :P
    Hmm.. I was pretty sure I replied to your visitor message. So I'm sitting there, scratching my head as to why you keep poking me but it turns out it was on my other open tab and I never hit the post button. LOL

    Anyway, what I said was:

    Thank goodness for Project Gutenberg. I don't mind reading e-texts they just take me a bit longer. We can try with the movie first then and supplement our knowledge with the text later :)

    And I would love to watch Dinner with Andre with you too (And discuss it right after, of course!) When would you like to do this movie venture?
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