John, I miss you so much, like you have no idea.
I was singing the other day, just a song that I made up, but it reminded me of you.
You're always in my thoughts, encouraging me to keep going even when the path is full of gnarled branches and thorns,
You made sure that I didn't make any bigger of a deal out of something than necessary,
You listened to all my insanity, and it made sense to you,
You listened to me whenever I had a problem, and never hesitated to help....and in a way, you still do.
I enjoy our talks in the morning, right when you wake me up with the sunshine,
the way your breath tickles my shoulders when you laugh at one of my jokes,
and the way you send a hug warmth my way when I am feeling down.
You may be gone from here, but I know you're hanging around upstairs causing INTP mischief XD
Thank you. :hug: