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  • There we go. After a claymation rooster I needed to balance it out with something less cute. Yeah, travel is almost always draining in one way or another. Glad everything worked out though. I'm bored as hell, but looking forward to a small vacation to San Diego where I'm going to be taking that class. So far there are enough people in it so that it won't be cancelled. Now as long as it doesn't get too full...
    Hah, that's a little more like it! Nah, I've never been to a waffle house. It's just a borrowed line from a scene in the movie Fargo. What's goin on with you?
    Heee... the new Avatar is 'Gorzek' (i think) from a truly ancient computer game I grew up on
    Nope, but I'm stocking up so that when I turn 70 and retire I can have a perma-rection at the nursing home just to mess with people.
    I understand that. I wasn't trying to make any sort of jab at that at all, but rather poke fun at that other girl for her absurdness.
    Haha I was going to mention Iktomi, though I'm more familiar with Iktomi being a spider. Which is why I was going to bring it up, because it's vastly different from the grandmother spider stories which seem more about creation.

    Anyway that's cool. I loved reading about tribal folklore when I was younger. Still do I guess, but don't have much time for it.
    I don't remember if I've asked, but I was wondering what tribe you are from? I saw that you are familiar with the spider woman/grandmother story and was just wondering what sort of interpretation you are familiar with concerning the trickster, if anything at all.
    Is that my Indian (OH SORRY MUST BE PC.) I mean, native american name?

    Later, Oh Mysterious One. (SEEE? I can do this too!)
    Oh dear.

    Even about Mr. Teddy and the orifice I have created?
    Besides, you might only have one eye in the middle of your forehead or something.
    You know my darkest secret.
    We were playing cowboy and indian..
    I was about to 'intrude' your 'territory'.
    Shooting my gun etc etc.

    I like your views on relationships. Would you give me an honest answer if I asked you why you're damaged and broken?
    Alright, alright, I have to tell you a few things ;P

    1. My ego wasn't crushed. I thought we were roleplaying here ;P
    And I know you were teasing. I enjoyed that, actually.
    My apology was sincere, however.

    2. I'm unsure what type I am. I don't believe I'm extraverted (extroverted? ;O), but it's not like I'm 100% introverted either.
    I think it's somewhere in the middle.

    3. My behaviour on the internet probably probably does not represent how I behave in real life, and I can be an asshole.
    Also, I'm spineless in many situations. That's right, a spineless asshole.
    However, when I'm feeling I'm spineless, something in my mind tells me 'STIR THE SHIT UP!'.

    You shouldn't be jealous of me speaking more than one language, because what is it worth when you have nothing good to say? :(
    Just kidding!

    I don't think you fit the stereotype I have of the average American.
    (Also, I admire America in some ways. And disagree with many other things about the American culture.)

    I feel as if I'm giving away everything :(

    There is something I've wondered for a while though:
    Why don't you have a partner? (I always assumed you didn't.)

    (No, that's not a flirting technique. I don't think you'll grant me access to your pants by implying that you're 'worthy of having a partner'.
    Also, I'm not such a flirt anymore :( I've become less flirty over the last few months.)
    you are still a baby!
    Oh woman, how you are able to crush my ego...

    Criminology--what do you plan on doing? Police officer?
    Not anymore. I'm going to get another degree once I've achieved my master in criminology.
    (This will be governmental management or psychology. Or law. I find A LOT of things interesting)

    So what is with the love of old metal then? Your parents listen to it?
    My dad used to ;O I feel like you're seeing right through me.

    LOL. I thought all you Europeans were into smoking cigs and hanging out in clubs with a despondant attitude and total hipness to the most current trend, no?
    I don't belong here. I'm a creep.

    How many languages do you speak? I have always wanted to study languages but am terribly lazy and have an appalling lack of ambition.
    Only three, I'm afraid. (Dutch, French and English) My french is not really 'perfect'. And yes, that's an euphemism.
    I'm going to study Russian next year. For the fun of it.

    Also, I'm not sure what those posts would be. I think it was just a general feeling.

    And sorry if it was inappropriate of me to post on your wall, referring to something you said on someone else's wall.

    How stable is someone's personality during a lifetime, if we assume there are no important events (loss of partner, friends, ...)?
    I would probably be nicer if you were oh, more forthcoming about who you are and such.
    Also, I found this comment odd.
    I think I've shared too much on this forum, and I kind of regret that.
    I'm a male from Europe, almost 21 years old.
    I study criminology, because I'm interested in deviant behavior etc.
    Unsure what to add. Eh, I used to be very cynical, but I've been trying to be more positive.
    Trying to change how I view the world. I see it as a step towards 'general happiness'.

    I just wrote a very small paper (we had to write one for our victimology class), where I disagree with my professor his opinion.
    (We had a discussion about it during the break. I rarily do this, but I felt the speaker he allowed in class was so biased, and it irked me.)

    Bars and clubs = no.
    Libraries = yes.

    So, no SF for me. Really, I sometimes go to a bar, but it's just to talk with my friends.

    I don't seem too creepy. Hm, seems to me I'm heading in the right direction.
    I don't want easy, but give a dog a bone!
    I've been studying. And other things I should've done.
    Occasionally, I did log in on the forums though.

    I wish I was a 17 year old girl :(
    I'd be able to conquer as many hearts as I liked. In real life.

    (Not that I want easy, but where do I find these SF's you speak of?!)
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