Yeah, i can relate about the 'out of touch with feelings' thing. For the longest time I was better at spotting emotions in others than in myself. I just didn't know how to recognize or process them, so I either repressed my emotions or had them come out in other ways outside of my control or awareness. And you know me, I'm a bit of a control freak. As soon as I realized that I was having something rule me without me knowing about it, I wanted to get to the bottom of it and try to figure it out.
If you think about it, feelings are really funny things. They're physical manifestations of your unconscious thoughts. beliefs and expectations of ourselves and the world around us. Whenever a feeling shows up, you can bet your mind just finished processing something that was either pleasant or unpleasant outside of your awareness. Can you recall a time when you didn't feel this way about this time of year? Can you recall any kind of thought or event that might have brought upon some kind of unconscious rule or belief about this time? You don't have to answer aloud. Just something to think about to help shake down those feelings you frequently feel out of touch with
If you think about it, feelings are really funny things. They're physical manifestations of your unconscious thoughts. beliefs and expectations of ourselves and the world around us. Whenever a feeling shows up, you can bet your mind just finished processing something that was either pleasant or unpleasant outside of your awareness. Can you recall a time when you didn't feel this way about this time of year? Can you recall any kind of thought or event that might have brought upon some kind of unconscious rule or belief about this time? You don't have to answer aloud. Just something to think about to help shake down those feelings you frequently feel out of touch with