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  • Thank you for your understanding in the Jungian Psychology thread. :kiss:
    Oooo ....Bailey's sounds marvelous. Absolutely!
    I guarantee you we will do that in real life if/when I get to WA - which is looking ever more realistic as the days go by.
    Thanks for joining my little Enclave =) I look forward to a deeper friendship ^_^
    Thank you for thinking of me Norwich. Dad was - not really present. He was as a robot. So I would say even though I was there feeding him and so on - there wasn't much of a visit. The visit with my sister was great, though, and I'm glad I went down there.
    I suppose that's a good way to describe it. Seems more like I'm trapped on an island and getting hammered by the fleet that surrounds it, but the end result is that I'm too exhausted and overwhelmed to even consider the healing process.
    It's not really the soccer ball analogy. It's the being surrounded and overwhelmed, that it's everything I can do to just hold on. The hope of ever making enough ground to escape from where I'm pinned down is so distant I'm trying not to think about it... while at the same time feeling spiritually shipwrecked. One wave of spiritual attacks after another on this island I'm stranded on.
    Nah, I'm a confirmed jackass even when at my best. Smart ass comments never offend me. I wish this emotional state was only for today, but alas my life has been alternating between the spiritual warfare equivalent of Blackhawk Down or Castaway for the past 4 years.
    Yes, I deleted a smart ass comment because I am in such a bad mood that I am unable to judge when I've gone past smart ass and into bastard. I figured I need to start erring on the side of caution when I get like this.
    Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Oh shit that made me laugh! Yes I did sleep right through it. It was a helluva night into morning. I should write it up it was rather strange for me. But I have to get ready to go down to see Dad. TTYL
    Yes. Our fellow smart ass is incredibly intelligent and witty. could almost fall in like with him - if wasn't such a smart ass!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha
    I am glad.

    Doing better since my surgery. It's been almost two weeks, and I can finally sleep lying down without getting stuck on my back like an upended turtle, lol. The worst is behind me. :) looks like you're back, and so am I since my temp ban ended.
    How have you been? Hope all has been well.
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